Let’s go ‘Eric Cantor’ on them all! by Ted Nugent

Ted Nugent turns ousted congressman’s name into a ‘revolutionary verb’.

Virgina truly is for lovers! Obviously, lovers of truth, honesty, logic, common sense, accountability, the U.S. Constitution and The American Way. I do believe that we have just experienced another very powerful shot heard ’round the world from the good people of Virginia standing up and proclaiming decisively, we’ve had enough and we’re not going to take it anymore.

God bless you, Virginia. God bless you all! You ROCK.

I say we the people have had way more than enough compromise, backpedaling, Joseph Goebbels and Saul Alinsky smoke-and-mirrors politics for one generation, and I say it’s about time we go Eric Cantor on the whole gang of deceivers and liars infesting our government right now. There’s only so much decent people can take.

If compromise truly is the art of politics, then they have all become artful dodgers, dodging and obfuscating their sworn oath to the U.S. Constitution and the people they are paid by and duty-bound to serve.

Yeah, liberal Democrats and assorted weirdos, the tea party, like me, are nothing but a bunch of radical right-wingers daring to demand accountability from our elected “employees.” Yeah, that’s outrageous – and we can’t have any of that, now can we? An experiment in self-government is so radical – who do we think we are?


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