Former Texas Trooper Allegedly Smuggled Illegal Immigrants into U.S.

47-year-old Marvin Davis, a former Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS) trooper, is accused of smuggling illegal immigrants into the U.S. from Mexico.

According to a local ABC affiliate, Davis was pulled over on a Houston highway on May 22 for “illegal window tinting.” Davis reportedly told the officer who pulled him over that he was a DPS trooper–he then showed the officer a vest in his car that said “State Police” on it.

When the officer noticed two men sitting in the back seats of the vehicle, he became suspicious and decided to run Davis’ plates, according to ABC. The plates showed that the vehicle was registered to Davis–not DPS.

Davis was arrested for impersonating an officer.

He had allegedly been fired from the Texas DPS in 2013, after being convicted of bribery, and was on probation for that crime.

It was subsequently discovered that Davis was working for an illegal alien smuggling organization at the time of his May 22 arrest. Reports state that during questioning with investigators, the two men found in the back of the vehicle claimed that Davis had illegally brought them into the U.S. from Mexico.

Eventually Davis allegedly admitted that he brought the men through the Border Patrol checkpoint located in Falfurrias, Texas. He was paid $500 per person he brought into the U.S. illegally, investigators claimed.


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