CA Teachers Sue Against ‘Union Tyranny’

Rebecca Friedrichs is an Orange County school teacher who is fighting for her right not to be associated with the political activity the nation’s most powerful union. She ready to take her fight all the way to the United States Supreme Court.

Via Breitbart:

Ten California school teachers and an education associate are challenging the state’s law that requires all public employees to join and support a union as a condition of employment.

Rebecca Friedrichs and her co-plaintiffs filed a federal lawsuit, Friedrichs v. California Teachers Association, in April of 2013, in which they claim a First Amendment right to withhold financial support from a union whose positions they do not share. The teachers complain that they cannot assert their right through the union because there is no accountability in the relationship between the union, the collective-bargaining agent, and the individuals it is authorized by law to represent. In California, as in other states, public employee unions are major political players who sometimes ignore conflicts of interests among some of their members.

During Teacher Appreciation Week earlier this month, Friedrichs wrote an op-ed at in which she spelled out the reason why many educators aren’t feeling appreciated today, one that has nothing to do with parents or students.


Complete text linked here.

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