Cher Says Tea Party “Plague on Mankind,” Ends Tweet with Bomb

Speech, of course, is not violence. Cher is free to scream in all caps at her perceived enemies. The question is: will Cher and her liberal friends support this right for those they disagree with? Punctuating a tweet with a bomb icon should provide an answer.

Washed up pop music icon Cher is espousing hatred and violence again. Earlier today she loaded up her twitter account with venom directed at conservatives and libertarians opposed to an insane federal debt, government spending and confiscatory taxation:

For liberals like Cher (real name Cherilyn Sarkisian), hate crimes are designed to persecute people who say unkind things about the government and officially designated and protected minority groups. The hate crime orthodoxy is not intended to be used against liberals who advocate throwing bombs at their ideological enemies.

A Muslim, Yousef al-Khattab, was recently convicted of using speech to advocate violence. He will spend the next three years in prison. A federal prosecutor in the case said al-Khattab’s “punishment should be based on the recognition that the world is populated by too many people who will heed what he said then, rather than anything that he may say now.” – See more at:


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