California State Senate deletes website, online archives of 3 disgraced Democrats

“Like a criminal wiping down a crime scene, the California State Senate has scrubbed its website and deleted the online archives of three Democratic state Senators that face criminal charges ranging from weapons trafficking to public corruption.”

Democrats State Senate Leader Darrell Steinberg, himself STILL under FBI investigation ordered that the websites of the felonious Senator and the two indicted Democrat Senators be wiped clean of their press releases, bills authored and votes. If you want to track the corruption of these three Democrats, Steinberg made it hard for the average citizen. You now have to go to each bill in the State Senator to track the connection between their bribes and their votes.

Will the next Senate Leader do the same to Steinberg, if he is indicted? Will the next Speaker of the Assembly, Toni Aktins do this to John Perez, who is also under FBI investigation for corruption?


Complete text linked here.

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