Sheriff Joe Arpaio: Obama admin’s deportation numbers ‘smoke and mirrors’ (Video)

“And they’re still being booked back into the jail!” Sheriff Joe Arpaio continued. “Six, seven, eight times. Keep coming back! How come they’re not being deported? That’s where they should be, they’re high-level violators.”

Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio said the Obama administration’s statistics on the deportation of illegal immigrants are “smoke and mirrors,” claiming he sees the same criminals entering his jails “six, seven, eight times” and speculating that “they’re being let out the back door.”

The Maricopa County sheriff spoke with Fox News’ Neil Cavuto on Friday about the Obama administration’s claim that they’ve deported 2 million illegal immigrants. Arpaio contended that the White House is “play[ing] around with statistics.”

“I always had a feeling that a lot of these people that we put on hold — turn over to ICE — really were not being deported,” he said. “I did a survey in the last three months and found out that of the over 1,200 illegal aliens in our jails, one-third, or about 400, that were released in the past have criminal records.”


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