Illegal Alien ID Thief Rips Off Couple for Years – IRS KNEW and Refused to Warn Them (Video)

Home loans denied. Their credit trashed. And a Wisconsin couple had no idea why it was all happening. But the Federal Government did.

That’s the incredible story. For the past six years, Debi Guenterberg has spent countless hours trying to repair the damage caused by two illegal aliens who took the key to her husband Robert’s identity: His social security number.

They used it to buy homes, trucks, get credit cards, and more. And left Robert Guenterberg’s credit in tatters. But he could not understand why. Until one day — six years later — he found out from a bill collector who notified him someone else used his SSN.

But another party knew about the identity theft all along — and refused to tell them. Their own Federal government — the IRS would not tell the Guenterbergs who was ripping them off.

Why the hell not? Because it would have violated the privacy of the illegal alien identity thieves!

You heard that right. A new level of insanity has been reached in the Feds’ total surrender to illegal immigration.

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