Open Borders, Open Wallets: Clinton Cronies Profiting from Fast-Tracked Visas?

A federally funded “green” car firm is in the mix: the perfect “Progressive” scandal?

The recent development of Immigration Services director Alejandro Mayorkas being investigated by the Department of Homeland Security’s internal watchdog comes at an auspicious time. Mayorkas has been appointed by President Obama to be DHS’s next Deputy Secretary, and he appeared before the Senate Committee on Homeland Security after the allegations surfaced. With Secretary Napolitano set to leave DHS next month, Mayorkas could soon become the head of the federal government’s largest agency.

Because the investigation involves allegations of neglecting security concerns found in suspect visa applications from China, the attention from the Republican side of the Committee on this issue going forward is something to watch closely.

The allegations first reported by AP on Monday involve Mayorkas’ relationship with Hillary Clinton’s brother, Anthony Rodham. The relationship stretches back to the Bill Clinton days, when both were involved in trying to commute drug charges brought against the son of a major Clinton donor. Mayorkas was a California U.S. attorney at the time; Rodham was a lobbyist.

Currently, Rodham is involved in a controversial business deal with another well-known name from this period — former Clinton bundler Terry McAuliffe. The deal started with the creation of a new “green” car manufacturer, Greentech Automotive, which has been financed through the EB-5 immigrant investment visa program.

The program happens to be administered by Mayorkas’ agency, USCIS (U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services).


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