U.S. infrastructure for sale to foreigners

What kind of experience can U.S. citizens expect when infrastructure ranging from toll roads to water departments to prisons to public schools are leased by foreign investment concerns and placed under foreign management?

State, local officials gathering for seminar to learn ‘how-to’

EuroMoney Seminars, a UK-based company, is holding a seminar to teach state and local government officials in the U.S. how to lease a wide range of public assets – ranging from highways to water departments – to international and foreign private investment groups.

The event, entitled “PPP: The North American Private Partnerships Intensive Seminar,” will be held at the Hyatt Regency in Miami March 19 to 21. The cost will be $3,500 per attendee.

A spokesman for EuroMoney Seminars in the UK told WND the target audience was government employees at the state and local level who want to learn the “how-to” of putting together deals such as the one by Cintra Concesiones de Infraestructuras de Transporte to finance the Trans-Texas Corridor.

The EuroMoney Seminars spokesman talked with WND on background, complying with EuroMoney Seminars policy that spokesmen not be named in news stories.

In its first mailing for the March PPP conference in Miami, EuroMoney Seminars targeted bureaucrats from the state departments of transportation. The group plans to limit the number of attendees to 50.


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