Attack of the Tea Party Zombies

Tuesday’s recall election was a giant repudiation of Big Labor. It was a huge smackdown of the union bosses by a Wisconsin that is 86.5% non-union and tired of all the whining. Gov. Scott Walker was the real winner last night.

Readers who heed what the media says would have thought the tea party bitter clingers were dead, so this week’s election results must have seemed to them like the attack of the zombies.

The zombies made their appearance known in Wisconsin, Indiana, and Utah.

Less than a year ago a Washington Post blogger contended the tea party was running out of steam, that Senators Olympia Snowe, Dick Lugar and Orrin Hatch looked to easily win re-election against tepid tea party opposition.

Snowe dropped out of the running; Lugar lost his primary election this week after holding his seat as Senator from Indiana for 36 years, and Orrin Hatch was forced by his showing in a state convention into a primary even after he pledged to fight to overturn ObamaCare:

Hotline on Call says Hatch recently signed a pledge from the Independent Women’s Voice and American Majority Action to dismantle President Obama’s healthcare reform. The group asked Hatch to sign to sign the pledge when he first announced he was running for another term in the Senate.

Hotline says the timing is curious, as the group has begun running ads against Indiana Senator Dick Lugar, who did not sign the pledge. Lugar is in some serious trouble in his primary election against Richard Mourdock.

A conservative strategist familiar with IWV’s thinking said the group recently started running paid online ads pointing out that Indiana Treasurer Richard Mourdock has signed the pledge, but Lugar has not. The strategist added that the group also sent out a blast email last week to 250,000 people pointing out Lugar’s refusal, though IWV has not technically endorsed in the Indiana race.


Original source.

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