Princeton prof accused of plagiarism

Kevin M. Kruse is a history professor, columnist at MSNBC, and contributor to the controversial ‘1619 Project.’ Investigative reporting by Phillip W. Magness at Reason Magazine first revealed the plagiarism, which occurred in Kruse’s dissertation and other writings, in June.

A Princeton University professor who accused former Milwaukee sheriff and conservative activist David Clarke of plagiarism has now been accused of plagiarism himself.

Kevin M. Kruse is a history professor, columnist at MSNBC, and contributor to the controversial “1619 Project.”

Investigative reporting by Phillip W. Magness at Reason Magazine first revealed the plagiarism, which occurred in Kruse’s dissertation and other writings, in June. 

According to Magness’s investigation, Kruse lifted several passages nearly verbatim and without attribution in his 2000 Cornell dissertation. Cribbed passages also appeared in his subsequent books White Flight and One Nation Under God.


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