Northwestern students ‘turned to violence with BRICKS’ in anti-cop riot

More than 150 Northwestern University students gathered in protest to call to abolish the police. This comes as part of an ongoing protest from students demanding police be removed from campus.

With Chicago crime at a record high, a Saturday protest turned violent after students from Northwestern University reportedly engaged in rioting when confronted by police, resulting in at least some property damage. 

According to WGN, the demonstration involved more than 150 Northwestern students including those from a group called “NU Community Not Cops” which gathered to call for abolishing police, part of an ongoing protest against the Evanston Police Department and Northern Illinois Police Force. 

Northwestern University Graduate Workers, a group that describes itself as “an antiracist, feminist labor union fighting for better working and living conditions for all graduate workers,” issued a statement in response to the incident, claiming that two members were pepper-sprayed.


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