Students want to cancel this Supreme Court Chief Justice

Cleveland State University’s Board of Trustees is set to meet Tuesday to discuss a university-wide policy for building names. Students Against Marshall is a group campaigning to remove John Marshall from the university’s the law school.

Cleveland State University’s (CSU) Board of Trustees is set to meet Tuesday to discuss a university-wide policy for “space, unity, and entity naming” as students are campaigning to remove John Marshall from the law school. 

Marshall College of Law was named after John Marshall, who served as the fourth chief justice of the U.S. Supreme Court.

Marshall held that position in 1803 when the Supreme Court established the “principle known as judicial review” in Marbury v. Madison. 

Marshall, however, was also a slave owner, which is why the campus group Students Against Marshall (S.A.M.) wants the name removed from the college of law.


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