85,000 Moms for Liberty Take on School Boards Across the U.S: Our Mission Is to Save America by Empowering Parents (Audio)

Tina Descovich has been fighting for parental rights since she was elected to the Brevard County, Florida school board in 2016. But her mission is now shared by 85,000 other mothers in 34 states who joined Moms for Liberty and who now show up at school board meetings to hold officials accountable.

These moms are also running for school board spots and other local offices — and winning.

They’ve honed their skills by scouring websites and requesting public records to uncover the radical sexual and racial agenda being pushed in public schools across the land.

“Our mission is to save America by empowering parents to stand up for their parental rights,” Descovich said on the Friday edition of SiriusXM’s Breitbart News Daily with host Alex Marlow.

“We are moms that are concerned about the future of our country and our children,” Descovich said. 


Complete text and audio linked here.

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