Diversity statements can determine who gets hired at universities

A 2021 study found that diversity statement requirements for applicants seeking university faculty jobs are common and on the rise. Campus Reform analyzed faculty job postings to evaluate their frequency.

According to a 2021 study, approximately one-fifth of university job postings require applicants to expound their dedication to diversity by submitting a diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) statement with their application materials. 

The study conducted by the American Enterprise Institute estimated the prevalence of requisite diversity statements in public higher education job postings. After analyzing 999 job postings, the study found that 19% required applicants to submit a diversity statement in the job application materials alongside the traditional requirements such as a resume and cover letter.

“We believe our coding schemes are conservative and, if anything, likely underestimate the prevalence of DEI statements,” researchers James Paul and Robert Maranto conjecture.


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