‘Antifa was here’ message left as leftists attempted to silence Ann Coulter’s talk with students

Ann Coulter gave a talk at Indiana University for an event titled ‘Conservatism. Let’s Review the Evidence with Ann Coulter.’ This announcement prompted individuals to rip down and deface posters advertising the event and attempt to prevent “conservative” students from attending.

Controversy sparked at Indiana University Bloomington when it was announced that Ann Coulter would be giving a talk on campus.

This information prompted individuals to rip down and deface posters advertising the event and attempt to prevent “conservative” students from attending.

The school’s Turning Point USA (TPUSA) chapter put up 5,000 flyers on campus to advertise the event, but according to photos obtained by Campus Reform, many were ripped down, covered by a flyer featuring communist imagery, or defaced.

One poster was replaced with a note reading “Antifa was here.”


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