Cornell law professor sues NY health department, alleges discrimination against whites in COVID treatment

“One of many discriminatory scenarios under the guidelines is that eligibility for the medication for two otherwise healthy people is determined by skin color — the ‘non-white’ person is eligible, the ‘white’ person is not,” he said.

Cornell Law School Professor William Jacobson has filed a lawsuit against the New York State Department of Health, alleging discrimination against white people in the organization’s distribution of COVID-19 treatments.

“I’m Suing To Stop New York’s Racially Discriminatory Covid Therapeutic Guidelines,” Jacobson announced Jan. 17 on Legal Insurrection, an online politics and law publication he launched in 2008.

Jacobson told The College Fix in an interview he was “shocked” when he read the “racially discriminatory guidelines.”

“It’s not often that such things are put in writing, but here the writing was clear that there are different standards for different races and ethnicities,” Jacobson said.


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