Pope Francis is ‘an enemy of Europe,’ says French philosopher Éric Zemmour

“We had two great popes, John Paul II and Pope Benedict XVI. One was Polish, the other German, deeply European, deeply rooted in their national identities who believed in nations, who believed in European nations in particular,” Zemmour said. “So here we have a guy who comes from South America, who despises Europe, who obviously, as far as I know, hates France. In particular, he despises Europe, and then delivers a universalist discourse like a non-governmental organization.”

In a calculated move, Pope Francis is sacrificing Europe in a geostrategic choice, French philosopher Éric Zemmour said on French television channel CNews.

“I think he understood something that distressed his predecessors, and it’s that Europe is de-Christianizing at a phenomenal speed. So he considers, like many people around him, that Europe without Christianity is going to die,” Zemmour said. “And that, in any case, it is better to let it die, or at least it is better to leave it to others. Especially to Islam.”

Zemmour said that in his latest encyclical on fraternity and social friendship, Fratelli Tutti (“Brothers and Sister All”), issued on Oct. 3, the pope is supporting immigration, globalism and socialism, which in the pope’s view, will make the world a better place. Pope Francis said the encyclical was inspired by Grand Imam Ahmed al-Tayyeb, who is mentioned numerous times in the text, who is an Islamic scholar who supports the death penalty against apostates against Islam.


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