‘Stop Lying to Us’: Ingraham Blasts Durbin for ‘Tired Trope’ About Jobs Americans Won’t Do (Video)

She said Democrats don’t really care about illegal immigrant workers, and they are more concerned with “remaking the electorate,” even if it’s at the expense of working men and women.

In her “Angle” monologue Tuesday night, Laura Ingraham called out Democrats for claiming that illegal immigrants help the U.S. by doing the jobs that Americans won’t — or can’t — do.

She noted that Sen. Dick Durbin (D-Ill.) pulled out a “tired trope” on the Senate floor on Monday when he said that undocumented immigrants are the only ones who will do hard, backbreaking work like manual labor and picking fruit.

“That is offensive on so many levels,” Ingraham said, arguing that there are plenty of Americans who will do the jobs that Durbin “turns his nose up at.”


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