Evidence mounts of Obama involvement in Dinesh D’Souza’s selective prosecution

Heads should roll for this if the facts pan out.

Would President Obama have been that petty to target a critic for draconian law enforcement over a movie? The way the Soviet KGB might have targeted a dissident?

Well, given the common thread of socialism in both, it shouldn’t be a big surprise that he would.

It now comes to light that apparently, yes, he did. Dinesh D’Souza reports that he seems to have been in that unlucky category, targeted for any violation however minor, after making a couple of richly textured, artistically good and very popular critical movies about Obama. When a minor campaign finance violation was finally found after all that looking, D’Souza got the book thrown at him.

He now tweets that there is evidence for it:

and that quite a few government resources went into ensuring he got arrested for something, anything. Here’s what he thinks might have been done, given the taxpayer cash that went into pinning something, anything, on him :


Complete text linked here.

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