Twitter Leaks: Employees Describe Extreme Social Justice Warrior Climate at Tech Giant

Twitter has sprung a leak.

In several exclusive interviews with Breitbart, former employees of the company reveal a company dependent on celebrities, hostile to free speech, and silently fuming at President Trump’s continued dominance on the platform. It corroborates the recent Project Veritas exposé of a platform that is hopelessly biased and committed to censoring non-progressive voices.

Our first source, who, like the others, wishes to remain anonymous, described how the company rapidly abandoned its commitment to free speech after former CEO Dick Costolo was replaced by Jack Dorsey, who the source described as “the definition of a social justice warrior.”

The majority of Twitter’s management, says the source, believes the leftist idea that “hate speech is violence.” They “absolutely” believe in the idea that “abuse scares people off the platform,” and that certain types of speech “silence” other speech.

According to the source, Twitter’s Trust & Safety and Legal departments (distinct from the Trust & Safety Council, which is made up of left-wing advocacy organizations), are “more tolerant of free speech than you might think,” but later adds that social justice warriors like Anita Sarkeesian still probably have direct access to Twitter’s upper management.


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