Migrant Youth Gangs Turn Berlin Area into Borderline No-Go Zone

The area around the Alexanderplatz metro in Berlin has become a centre for migrant youth gang violence and drugs, leaving the police to lose control and the district to demand more resources to fight the lawlessness.

The situation around Alexanderplatz has rapidly deteriorated due to the ongoing fights between rival migrant gangs from Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, and North Africa.

The local government has decided to increase the police presence in the area by building a new police station and hiring two social workers to encourage the young migrants not to commit crimes, but some are sceptical of the move, Berliner-Kurier reports.

The left-wing coalition government plan is to hire the two social workers to act as contacts and look after the young migrant men during the day. Also planned is a small new police station which is to be set up at the construction site near the metro station.

Some, like conservative Christian Democratic Union (CDU) politician Stefan Evers, are less optimistic about the efficacy of the plans. Evers, who is the CDU’s city development policy spokesman, said: “A new police station and social workers alone will not solve the problems at Alexanderplatz.”


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