Sarah Palin to subpoena 23 NY Times reporters, editors and employees

A Tea Party favorite, Palin is suing The New York Times over a published editorial that ran online hours after House Majority Whip Steve Scalise was shot by a former Bernie Sanders volunteer at a Republican congressional baseball practice in Virginia. According to Palin and her lawyers, the editorial tied her to the January 2011 shooting of Arizona Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords.

The former governor of Alaska, Sarah Palin, is reportedly moving forward with sending subpoenas to 23 New York Times staffers as part of her defamation lawsuit against the liberal-leaning newspaper.

In a motion arguing for Palin’s case against The New York Times to be tossed out, attorneys for the paper revealed that the former vice presidential candidate’s lawyers served notice of plans to subpoena “23 non-party current and former Times reporters, the editors and other employees — most of whom had nothing to do with the editorial issue.”

Lawyers for the Times reportedly told the judge on Wednesday that Sarah Palin’s legal team plans to demand that the paper hands over “every internal communication it has had about her since 2011” in an effort to obtain “documents that might reveal, among other things, their ‘negative feelings’ toward her.”


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