BOOM! Kid Rock LEADS in Michigan Senate Race Poll

Rockstar Kid Rock set off a political firestorm after teasing his Twitter followers about a potential Senate run in Michigan. News broke this weekend that Kid Rock is LEADING challenger, Dem Debbie Stabenow in a new poll 30% to 26%!

I have had a ton of emails and texts asking me if this website is real… The answer is an absolute YES.

— Kid Rock (@KidRock) July 12, 2017

Days later, Kid Rock tweeted out a ‘manifesto’ to his followers, laying out his political believes in a short graphic.

“I believe if you work your butt off and pay taxes, you should be able to easily understand and navigate the laws, tax codes, health care and anything else the government puts in place that affects us all.”

— Kid Rock (@KidRock) July 17, 2017

According to a new poll, Kid Rock is leading in a hypothetical match-up against challenger, Debbie Stabenow. reports:

On July 12th, 2017 Robert Ritchie, aka Kid Rock, confirmed his intention to run for the United States Senate seat in Michigan. His announcement sent a shock through the media and many dismissed it as a cheap publicity stunt. While Ritchie has yet to file his official documentation to seek the office, he stated his intentions on Twitter and pushed back at his critics, saying “the press is wrong.”


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