Half of Turks in Germany Do Not Work, Majority ‘Not Interested in a Job’

Figures show that almost every second Turk of working age in Germany is “economically inactive”, meaning they are either not in work or officially registered as unemployed.

The latest data from European statistics bureau Eurostat shows that 43 per cent of Turks living in Germany are economically inactive, a figure which rises to 48 per cent according to the country’s Federal Statistics Office.

A report in Die Welt concerning the data explains there are a number of reasons why so many people with Turkish backgrounds aged between 15 and 64 are not in work. stating that around a third are undertaking education or training, while almost one in five retired early for health reasons. A further one in 10 said family duties make holding down a job impossible.

“The vast majority of the [Turks who are] economically inactive declare that — at least for the moment — they are not interested in a job,” the German broadsheet reports.

The difference in employment rates between Turks and natives is particularly stark among women, with just a third of Turkish women in work across Europe, the Eurostat data shows.


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