Who owns London? Qataris now have 24 MILLION square feet of prime real estate in the capital – putting them ahead of the City of London and even the Queen

Qatar has become one of London’s biggest landlords over the past ten years. Qataris own 22m sq ft Canary Wharf plus another 1.8million sq ft elsewhere. London ownership ranking puts Qataris ahead of City, TfL and Network Rail.

Qatar has become one of London’s biggest landlords over the past ten years and now owns 24million square feet of prime real estate, it was revealed today.

The Qataris own the 22million sq ft Canary Wharf Group estate, with Canadian investor Brookfield, along with another 1.8million sq ft elsewhere in the capital.

And a ranking of London ownership compiled by Datscha puts the Qataris ahead of the City of London, Transport for London, Network Rail and even the Queen.

Other organisations in the top ten revealed yesterday by Property Week magazine are British Land Company, BNP Paribas, Legal and General, Aviva and Segro.

Much of the £80billion invested by the Qatari Investment Authority alongside its investment and real estate arms since 2005 has gone into the UK real estate sector.

Former prime minister Sheikh Hamad bin Jassim bin Jaber Al-Thani revealed last year that Qatari investment in the UK to date had now hit £30billion.

Foreign investors from countries such as Qatar tend to invest in the five main London areas of Kensington, Knightsbridge, Mayfair, the City and Canary Wharf.


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