Michael Savage Following Alleged Assault: ‘It Is Clearly Open Season on Prominent Trump Supporters’

“It is clearly open season on prominent Trump supporters,” talk radio star Michael Savage told Breitbart News one day after he was reportedly allegedly assaulted at a restaurant in Tiburon, California.

Savage, who has been credited with aiding President Donald Trump’s election, said that he was not able to comment on the specific alleged incident. His attorney told the news media that Savage was verbally taunted and then assaulted by a restaurant patron.

Speaking generally, Savage told Breitbart News on Thursday:

It is clearly open season on prominent Trump supporters. The fascist left has been empowered by their own false narrative that those who support borders, language and culture – my motto – are evil fascists! This is how Hitler came to power. He used his brown shirts to beat any opponents. The media and police are almost wholly driven by this lie.

The Daily Mail reported on the alleged incident, citing Savage’s attorney, Daniel Horowitz:

Michael Savage, the 74-year-old host of the nationally syndicated talk radio show Savage Nation, was dining solo at Servino Ristorante in Tiburon, with his toy poodle, Teddy, keeping him company, when another patron allegedly began taunting him by saying, ‘weener, weener.’

The heckler was apparently referring to Savage’s legal name, Michael Alan Weiner.


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