Ann Coulter: Putin is a Better Ally for Trump than Merkel (Video)

“The fight now is with [radical] Islam, which openly says they are going to come in our country… various countries—the West, infiltrate and turn us all Muslim— this is the new Soviet threat— there is no Soviet threat.”

Author Ann Coulter said Russian President Vladimir Putin is a much better ally in the fight against radical Islam than Germany’s Angela Merkel.

“It’s strange that much of the media seems to, I mean with this obsession with NATO, see Merkel as more of an ally and Putin as the enemy,” Coulter told the FOX Business Network’s Maria Bartiromo. “Right now the real enemy of the United States and all of Western civilization is radical Islam and Putin is obviously a much better ally in that fight than Merkel is.”

Coulter said Germany’s open door migrant policy is destroying all of Western Europe.

“She’s inviting all of these Muslim migrants in. They have to have training programs for the refugees… You’d think they’d be able to control themselves… and they can’t do it,” she said.

In her opinion, the media’s perception of Russia is no longer relevant.


Complete text and video linked here.

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