California, THIRD WORLD State by Theodore Miraldi

California is run by Governor Jerry Brown, a progressive Democrat more willing to help outsiders and law breakers than the citizens that provide the cash needed to run the State. Like the outgoing Obama Administration, Brown focuses on social issues that ultimately weaken communities from the ground up.

What we are seeing in California is the breakdown of traditional Institutions forged and codified by laws to protect American citizens. California, always the Rogue State imposing social positions on the majority that weaken, and in the end destroy the communities it was to protect.

There are literally No-Go Zones in Southern California that even Law Enforcement will not patrol for fear of Gun Violence and Illegal Immigrant Gang Operations. Armed to the teeth, these invaders not only demand autonomy from the laws of the State and Community, but are willing to defend their turf.

We have seen the result of these types of communities, not only here, but in Major European Cities as well. Unfortunately citizens of those communities are sitting on a Powder Keg filled with Social Misfits and Criminals.

Like it, or not, the influx of any one unbridled population creates enormous problem to those citizens already there. The Tax burden necessary to provide basic services can overwhelm communities already struggling, and residents buried under debt.

One might think California rich in revenue and resources, but think again, The Golden State is turning to sand.


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