Bobby Jindal: Arrest Mayors of Sanctuary Cities as Accessories to Illegal Alien Crime

Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal is calling on mayors of sanctuary cities to be arrested as accomplices to the crimes illegal aliens receiving special treatment in their cities commit.

“Absolutely, I would hold them as an accomplice,” Jindal said on Boston Herald Radio on Monday morning, as reported by BuzzFeed, Jindal said of mayors of sanctuary cities. “Make them criminally culpable. I’d also make them civilly liable so that families, victims’ families could sue. Especially if the prosecutor isn’t taking action or the mayor’s not changing their ways, I’d allow the families to go to court as well to recover damages.”

In late July, Jindal released a detailed plan—his “Partners In Crime Plan”—to hold officials in sanctuary cities accountable for what they have done.

The plan calls first for Congress to “criminalize” sanctuary cities existing by “making city officials that enact those policies as an accessory to the crimes committed by the illegal aliens those policies enabled.”

Secondly, Jindal’s plan would have Congress give “standing to victims and their families to civilly sue local, state, and federal officials for failing to enforce the Immigration and Naturalization Act (INA) or failing to bring criminal charges of accessory against public officials that enact these policies.”


Complete text linked here.

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