Illegal Immigrants Create Fake Families to Gain Entry to U.S.

Here’s a new ploy being used by illegals trying to game the system: Create fake families with unrelated children and throw yourself at the mercy of the Border Patrol.

The Washington Times reported that one of the newest tactics, due to a recent surge in illegals trying to enter the country as part of an ongoing pre-election rush, is to “fabricate tales of heart-rending woes back home to try to convince border agents to admit them into the country”, according to internal Homeland Security documents reviewed by The Washington Times.

Even smugglers are beginning to pair unrelated children with adults and then coach the children to lie to agents that they are real families. Sometimes the “families” will split and go in different directions, hoping to be quickly released if apprehended.

Illegal immigrants who have witnessed the treatment children were receiving at our many detention centers, figured out that crossing as a family afforded them a better chance of being released into population.

According to The Washington Times analysts, “It has become so easy to sneak into the U.S. as a family that some aren’t even bothering to pay smugglers. Instead, they are making the trip on their own and saving thousands of dollars in fees. That has made the trip affordable for illegal immigrants who wouldn’t have made the journey otherwise.”


Complete text linked here.

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