Hate Hoax: Another Student Fakes Mugging Claim by Trump Fans

Another student at Bowling Green State University (BGSU) has hoaxed a racist hate crime attack, local police have confirmed.

More than a week after the 2016 Election, a man on the BGSU campus claimed he had been pushed to the ground and robbed, all while the two perpetrators allegedly called him a racial slur.

The university’s vice president for student affairs, Thomas Gibson, put out a statement based off a local police investigation where he confirms that the alleged attack did not actually happen, The Blade reported.

It is still unclear whether or not the student will be charged for falsifying a police report.

The hate crime hoax is the second incident on the BGSU campus alone.

Breitbart Texas reported on an alleged incident where a black, female student claimed three white male President-Elect Donald Trump supporters had thrown rocks at her.

After a week-long police investigation, the student’s allegations turned out to be a hoax, as cell tower records indicated she was not in the location claimed at the time of the imagined attack.

Further, the student who hoaxed the attack, Eleesha Long, was involved with sending discriminatory text messages about Trump supporters, police said. In one text message, Long said about Trump supporters “should take an IQ test to vote,” while other messages said “I hope they all get AIDS” and “I haven’t met a decent Trump supporter yet.”


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