‘We’re being invaded right now’

Michael Savage describes Obama’s ‘Scorched Earth’ approach to demographic warfare.

History isn’t about tolerance or peace or understanding. History is about war. History is about conflict. History is about invasions – and the most consequential invasion in human history is well underway.

“We’re being invaded right now,” says talk-radio host and best-selling author Dr. Michael Savage.

“We’re being invaded from the south. We’re being invaded from the north, from the east and from the west. You might say, ‘Well, that’s the way of things,’ and you might get used to it. They’re here, they’re near, they’re everywhere. The question is, why are liberals so quick to embrace this invasion, and why are traditionalists and conservatives like myself so resistant to erasing the borders, language and culture of this great nation?”

More than 3 million foreigners came to the United States in 2014 and 2015 according to a new report from the Center for Immigration Studies. The foreign-born population in the United States, now standing at 43.3 million people, is at an all-time high. Immigrants now make up almost 14 percent of the population, the highest percentage in 105 years.

And the rate of immigration is increasing. If current demographic projects are left unchanged, immigrants will compose a record share of the population in seven years.


Complete text linked here.

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