Tom Fitton: The Same DOJ That Wanted ‘to Prosecute Tea Party Groups’ Told the FBI to ‘Stop Investigating the Clinton Foundation’ (Audio)

Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton discussed his organization’s quest to obtain FBI records from the Clinton email investigation on Tuesday’s Breitbart News Daily with SiriusXM host Alex Marlow.

“We’re looking for all the records on the email investigation – the 302s, the other back-and-forths that documents detail when the FBI started battling on protecting the Clinton administration and giving away immunity agreements and things like that,’ said Fitton. “Also, we sued the FBI for records about the infamous tarmac meeting between Bill Clinton and Loretta Lynch.”

He laughed at Marlow’s quotation of the name given to the Clinton-Lynch meeting by the New York Post: “Snakes on a Plane.”

“I don’t know if, like that movie, was it recorded or not? We don’t know that. But I can bet you there were a lot of emails and back-and-forth after the fact, and the FBI doesn’t want to give any of it up,” Fitton said. “The Justice Department, we’re still waiting for a response from our request there. We even are bugging the FAA for any records.”

“The big story about the Comey decision is not so much the decision, the announcement that they actually are investigating what deserves to be investigated, is that we’ve got the Justice Department obstructing these investigations, and kind of the best example of why they’re obstructing is that meeting between Lynch and Clinton. It shows you who’s really running the Justice Department,” he said.

Fitton doubted most Americans understand how corrupt the Justice Department has become.


Complete text and audio linked here.

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