A Trump Victory Could End the National Shame of Voter Fraud

Never before in American politics has the integrity of the electoral system been so compromised.

As an election lawyer, I’m hoping that Donald Trump will add one more urgent issue to his list of action items for the first 100 days of his presidency: obliterating the widespread and rapidly spreading disease of election fraud.

Every day, we learn of new and frightening attacks on the heartbeat of American democracy. Voting machines switching votes from Trump to Hillary Clinton. Voters long since dead being resurrected to vote. Phony registrations being submitted in the names of unsuspecting or fictitious people. Voters requesting mail ballots and then attempting to also vote by machine. People voting in multiple states. Voter rolls intentionally left with millions of ineligible voters or voters who have moved. States permitting voters access to ballots with no photo or skimpy ID. States permitting registration with no actual proof of the citizenship of the voter.

In my own state of Florida, police officials just arrested a temporary employee of the Miami-Dade Department of Elections who was caught changing votes inside the Elections Department. Project Veritas uncovered horrifying activities of wholesale and retail vote fraud, the buying of votes, and organized theft by election judges at the precincts.


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