New Trump Ad: Clinton Launched Her Career By Giving Clemency to Terrorists

“Hillary Clinton launched her political career letting terrorists off the hook,” the ad begins before Connor appears explaining what happened to his father.

Donald Trump’s latest ad targets Hillary Clinton for being sympathetic to terrorists—pointing out her role in commuting the sentences of several members of the Puerto Rican terror group FALN (Armed Forces of National Liberation).

The terror group was linked to more than 120 bombings and armed robberies in the 70s and 80s, killing nine and injuring hundreds of others. Among those killed was Frank Connor, the father of Townhall columnist Joseph Connor, in the 1975 attack on the Fraunces Tavern in Manhattan.

In 1999, despite promising the victims of terrorism that he would not “rest until justice is done,” President Clinton just days later ended up granting clemency to 16 imprisoned members of FALN, noting that he felt their sentences were too severe for the crime, sparking outrage among the victims’ families and law enforcement.


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