The emasculation of America: A Michael Savage analysis

‘Islamists produce strapping young men while America produces sensitive crybabies’

Most people would not connect abortion to radical Islam, but Michael Savage is not most people.

The popular talk radio host and No. 1 New York Times bestselling author looks around the world and sees the Muslim population skyrocketing while the native-born American birthrate declines, and he sees the destiny those demographic trends will bring if the U.S. does not change course.

This is one of the many American problems Dr. Savage diagnoses in his new book “Scorched Earth: Restoring the Country After Obama.”

And autographed copies of this critical election-year tome are available only at the WND Superstore.

“There are 1.2 billion Muslims in the world,” Savage writes. “The United States has, at last count, a population of 320 million people… There are roughly four times as many Muslims as Americans. They keep adding to their ranks, and we keep importing illegals because our people eliminate their own babies.

“At this rate we will go the way of Europistan. Italy has had a declining birthrate in recent years. Europe is finished. Its citizens refuse to reproduce while Islamist women keep churning out the next generation of radical Islamists.”


Complete text linked here.

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