Project Veritas and WikiLeaks: Doing the Job the FBI and DOJ Won’t

The FBI and the DOJ know as well as Foval and Creamer do that federal campaign laws don’t allow the campaign coordination these thugs describe. So we can expect to hear any day now about an aggressive FBI investigation, right?

If you want real news about this election, if you want to know what Hillary and her minions are up to and what this woman is really like you can’t get it from the “presstitutes” at ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, the New York Times, the Washington Post, etc. All these once-respected media have become obedience-schooled and tightly-leashed poodles of the Clinton campaign as analysis of ABC, CBS and NBC evening news of the last 12 weeks shows: 91% of their Trump coverage was negative, focusing airtime on his woman comments and accusations of 11 to 30 years ago. Since media reports largely neglect Clinton’s lawless exposure of the nation’s secrets to our enemies via her amateur basement server as well as the Clinton Foundation pay-to-play schemes netting them millions of dollars, many voters have no clue about the damning specifics of her sellout of America.

This blatant anti-Trump, pro-Hillary coverage means that for actual truth we must turn to recent videos from young liberty warrior James O’Keefe of Project Veritas Action who took down corrupt ACORN a few years ago, posing as a pimp wearing his grandmother’s fur coat. And to emails from fugitive WikiLeaks chieftain Julian Assange, the Andy Warhol hair-look-alike who hides out in the Ecuadorian embassy with views of London out his window unless they’re keeping him in the basement.


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