Now Five FBI Field Offices Are Probing Clinton Charity, Adding Fuel To The Fire

“Los Angeles agents had picked up information about the Clinton Foundation from an unrelated public corruption case and had issued some subpoenas for bank records related to the foundation” and described the unusual field office initiative as “at times a sprawling cross-country effort,” WSJ reports.

FBI field offices in New York, Los Angeles, Washington, D.C. and Little Rock, Ark., are investigating the Clinton Foundation concerning allegations of pay-to-play financial and political corruption, according to a Wall Street Journal report Sunday.

Mirroring information provided by a former senior law enforcement official that “multiple FBI investigations are underway involving potential corruption charges against the Clinton Foundation,” the Journal confirms what The Daily Caller News Foundation Investigative Group reported in August.

FBI field offices in three cities, specifically, New York, Little Rock and Washington, D.C., were coordinating with the U.S. Attorneys working in those cities. FBI agents in Miami are also joining the probe, TheDCNF has since learned.

The Clinton Foundation has numerous programs operating in Haiti, the Caribbean, Latin America and South America.


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