Monthly Archives: October 2016

Badly Injured War Hero Makes Stunning Endorsement & Offer To Trump Campaign

Staff Sgt. Bobby Henline, who suffered severe burns and lost a limb while on an army mission in North Baghdad, has not only endorsed Donald Trump – he’s offering to advise the Republican candidate on foreign policy.

“I like that Trump is not another politician,” says Sgt. Henline. “I think it is smart to have a businessman in the White House.”

The 44-year-old veteran isn’t concerned about Trump’s lack of political experience – which has been one of Hillary’s major attacks against her competitor.

“I would definitely advise Mr. Trump,” he continues. “A good leader doesn’t have to know everything. Nobody knows everything. That’s why you surround yourself with people who are experts in different areas. That’s what makes a good leader.”

Sgt. Henline says he admires Trump’s ‘aggressive’ nature and supports the candidate’s stance on waterboarding.

“In war, you have to do things you wouldn’t normally do in life,” Sgt. Henline says.

“If you get captured you’re getting your head cut off on TV,” he continues. “But then we can’t pour water on their faces to get them to talk to us. That is frustrating.”


Complete text linked here.

Quick Pix: Donald Trump’s 100 Day Plan

Yesterday in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania – I unveiled my ‘100 DAY PLAN.’ I want your vote – so we can work together — at making America great again! – Donald J. Trump

A nation ‘WRECKED’ by immigration: Do-gooding Swedes turn against migrants amid violence (Video)

Sweden’s open-door policy has ‘WRECKED’ Europe’s most liberal nation as the Swedes turn against migrants amid an unprecedented rise in violence and sex attacks.

For years Sweden has regarded itself as a “humanitarian superpower” – making its mark by offering refugee to those fleeing war and persecution.

But people’s patience with their visitors is wearing thin following a year of violence, sickening sex assaults and the death of social worker Alexandra Mezher, 22, who was knifed to death at an asylum centre for unaccompanied children at the hands of a Somalian migrant who claimed he was 15.

At the time, her grieving mother, an immigrant herself from the Middle East said: “Immigration has destroyed Sweden.”

Sweden, a country of 9.8million, took 163,000 asylum seekers in 2015.

The influx included 35,400 unaccompanied minors – nine times more than 2015.

But nothing could prepare Stockholm for the rise in crime and an abuse of the criminal system.

And so much so, a nation, which once prided itself on giving a warm welcome to outsiders, has reported a rise in arson attacks against migrant shelters, while support for the right-wing Swedish Democrats has surged.


Complete text and video linked here.

12-yo Muslim Immigrant Turns Out to be 21-yo Muslim Terrorist (Video)

In the rush to appear politically correct, many brain-dead Leftists are willing to put their families and countries at risk.

There is no way to vet Muslims fleeing Muslim countries. The notion of Muslims are “fleeing” Muslim countries should be warning enough. Even radical Muslims claim to be peaceful, as long as you are a Muslim.

Nevertheless, worldwide countries accept these terrorists under the guise of humanitarianism.

As reported in The Daily Star

Rosie welcomed Jamal into her home after social workers told her he was a 12-year-old orphan refugee from Afghanistan.

But Rosie soon had her suspicions about her “humble, polite” guest after noticing how hairy he was.

A dentist estimated that Jamal was more than a decade older than he claimed.

That’s right, TEN YEARS OLDER! The “child” who was vetted by the UK government and brought into the home of “Rosie” was a 21-yo Muslim terrorist.

And it gets worse,

Taliban material and child abuse images were later found on his phone, according to The Sun.


Complete text and video linked here.

Video: The Sabine Durden Story (An Angel Mom for Trump)

In loving memory of Dominic Durden (1982-2012)

How useless is the United Nations?

Bill Federer recounts history of using organization to spread ‘disunity and confusion’

The United Nations officially began Oct. 24, 1945. Its name coined by President Franklin Roosevelt. The United Nations was created to prevent future wars.

Unfortunately, there have been nearly 150 wars with over 100 million casualties from the day the United Nations’ charter was drafted in the Garden Room of San Francisco’s Fairmont Hotel:

5 in Central Asia
11 in South Asia
20 in Southeast Asia
13 in Eastern Europe
23 in the Middle East
25 in Latin & South America
50 in Africa

The Secretary-General at the United Nations Charter Conference in 1945 was Alger Hiss. Alger Hiss was present at the Yalta Conference. Feb. 4-11, 1945, where a large portion of Europe was put under the control of the Soviet Union. Alger Hiss was later accused and convicted of being a Communist agent in publicized 1948 trial.

The person who accused Alger Hiss was a former Soviet spy Whittaker Chambers. Soviet spy Whittaker Chambers had been senior editor of Time magazine before defecting to the United States.

After Whittaker Chambers died, President Ronald Reagan awarded him the Medal of Freedom, March 26, 1984, stating: “At a critical moment in our Nation’s history, Whittaker Chambers stood alone against the brooding terrors of our age. … He became the focus of a momentous controversy in American history that symbolized our century’s epic struggle between freedom and totalitarianism, a controversy in which the solitary figure of Whittaker Chambers personified the mystery of human redemption in the face of evil and suffering.”


Complete text linked here.

Migrants Rape Woman in Wheelchair – Feminists Protest Against “Racism” (Video)

A wheelchair-bound woman was gang raped by 5 migrants. Due to the angry reactions that followed, feminists and leftists decided to throw a demonstration against racism. Angry Foreigner discusses the insanity in how political correctness tries to teach women that they owe their vadge to the third world.

Complete Classic Movie: The Mummy (1999)

Stars: Brendan Fraser, Rachel Weisz, John Hannah. An American serving in the French Foreign Legion on an archaeological dig at the ancient city of Hamunaptra accidentally awakens a mummy.

Click here to watch The Mummy.

Report: Justice Department Extorts Companies to Fund Left-Wing Activists

A new report from the Government Accountability Institute (GAI) concludes that the Obama administration’s Department of Justice has been extorting fines from major banks, which are then used to fund leftist groups that push the Democratic vote.

The report notes that while community organizing groups have been using aggressive, “terrorist” tactics for decades to force banks to provide funding for their operations, the Obama administration has brought the power of the federal government to bear on their behalf. Banks are threatened with lawsuits for racial discrimination based on the controversial “disparate impact” theory, and offered incentives to settle by paying left-wing groups directly, beyond the review or oversight of Congress.

The result, the GAI report says, is a system of political patronage:

The old time political machine has been replaced by these nonprofits and a system of patronage now operates with the imprimatur of the DOJ. The DOJ has instituted a system that provides significant funding for nonprofit “community organizers” through a pattern of extortive lawsuits. This system, wherein appointed attorneys can legally extract money from the private sector and redistribute the funds to third-party organizations outside of the appropriations process, shows an unprecedented and extraordinary disregard for Congressional authority.

Left-wing groups have long used the Community Reinvestment Act — signed by President Jimmy Carter in 1977 and boosted by President Bill Clinton in the 1990s — to threaten bank mergers unless the banks fund their lending and activist operations.


Complete text linked here.

Peggy Noonan: Hillary ‘Has No Argument to Make’ Against Pay-to-Play Accusations (Video)

Sunday on CBS’s “Face The Nation,” former speech writer for President Ronald Reagan and columnist for The Wall Street Journal Peggy Noonan said on the various pay-to-play accusations between Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton’s State Department and donors to the Clinton Foundation, “She has no argument to make here.”

Partial transcript as follows:

DICKERSON: That was a question, Peggy, about allegations and proof in e-mails both hacked and also found through Freedom of Information requests of a closeness between the Clinton Foundation and the State Department. She was asked about that closeness and her pledge to make sure there was no appearance of closeness, and she went and just talked about the great things the foundation was doing and didn’t answer the question at all. In politics, they say if you’re explaining, you’re losing. she decided just not to explain.

NOONAN: That’s one way to look at it. You might say that was avowing to the fact that she has no argument to make here that is going the really make you think, oh, there was no pay for play, and if those allegations are wrong. I did think it took a special maybe gumption is the word to say, and we know I have only done the best work for America, after all, that is what my State Department said. That is like, you tell me you did something wrong and I say, oh, no, I didn’t, and I know I didn’t because me said I didn’t. It was her State Department. So what can she do but pivot away from something that I think is a serious charge that even people in your focus group were talking about. It’s just out there. Everybody knows what they think.

Original source.