Monthly Archives: October 2016

The Battle For Mosul: Who Benefits? (Ron Paul Liberty Report) – Video

“I think, right now, probably one of the biggest victors will be the social Marxists. You know, Cultural Marxism. Because, even in this country, it’s hard to believe. The American people would never think there’s people in our government that would be called Cultural Marxists.” Ron Paul

Temple Students Attacked, Officer Thrown To Ground, Police Horse Punched In Assaults (Video)

Flash mob violence on the campus of Temple University left several people injured and a handful of juveniles arrested.

Authorities say a Temple officer and a police horse were also assaulted during the chaos.

Investigators say it began through social media with a message for a large group of teens to meet near the campus Friday night.

Police estimate that 200 teenagers were in the crowd at the movie theater at Broad and Oxford and then divided into smaller groups, attacking and robbing students.

In one attack, police say an 18-year-old girl suffered scrapes and cuts to her leg and her cell phone was smashed. Authorities say her debit card was also taken from her purse.

Police say two other victims had items taken during the assault including an iPhone, a wallet, a back pack and a bluetooth wireless speaker.

Authorities say while investigating the report of flash mobs, police observed 75 to 100 individuals on a corner.

As officers tried to disperse the crowd, police say a 16-year-old came up to the officer’s horse and struck the horse twice in the face.

Officers apprehended the male a short distance later.


Complete text and video linked here.

Pat Condell: America’s Moment Of Truth

Finally a real choice. The American way, or the European way?

Report: Texas Voters Say Voting Machines Picked Clinton/Kaine with Straight Republican Ballot

Several voters in Texas have said on social media that when they voted early, their voting machine registered a “Straight Republican” selection but marked Hillary Clinton as their choice for president.

From KISSFM96.9:

Early voting for the 2016 election started today (Monday, October 24th). The people of Potter and Randall County are taking this opportunity to skip the long lines that always file out of the voting locations on Election Day.

It’s common to see pictures of the “I Voted!” stickers on social media. It’s not as common to see the stories I’ve been seeing today.

Two voters from Canyon posted the experience they had while voting. Apparently, when these voters chose the straight Republican option, the ballot selected Clinton/Kaine instead of Trump/Pence.


Complete text linked here.

Syrian refugee with FOUR WIVES and 23 CHILDREN ‘claims £320,000 a year in benefits’

A Syrian refugee with four wives and 23 children has sparked outrage after it was claimed he was receiving a staggering £320,000 a year in benefits.

The migrant, known only as Ghazia A, fled Syria last year along with his family.

He has since resettled in Germany with his four wives and 22 of his children. One of his daughters has since moved to Saudi Arabia where she has married.

The family could be receiving more than £320,000 a year in benefits according to a financial manager on the Employers’ Association website.

There is no official confirmation on this figure.

Under Islamic tradition, the 49-year-old can have up to four wives – as long as he can support them financially.

Germany does not legally recognise polygamy, meaning that Ghazia A was forced to choose a “main wife” so the rest of the family could claim benefits. The other three wives are categorised as “friends” of the Syrian migrant.

But a local official in the town of Montabaur described the situation as an “exemption”.

Ghazia A now lives with his “main” wife Twasif and their five children in Montabaur, in the state of Rhineland-Palatinate – while the other three wives and children have been moved into neighbouring communities up to 31 miles away.


Complete text linked here.

Illegals go door-to-door for Hillary

‘Uptick of despair and energy’ after Supreme Court rejected Obama amnesty.

In 2012 the Obama Administration granted temporary legal status to close to 750,000 illegal immigrants under the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program.Now they are going door-to-door campaigning on behalf of Hillary Clinton and other Democrats.

The Washington Post followed the campaign activities in Norther Virginia, a crucial purple region that could very well determine the outcome in Virginia and, possibly the national electoral college results:


Complete text linked here.

Schweizer: DOJ Funneling Fines To Left-Wing Organizations ‘Requires a Congressional Investigation’ (Video)

“I think if there are crimes committed by these banks and by these financial institutions, it ought to go to the victims, the people that were victimized. Other than that, it ought to go to…something like the national debt, but to turn it into political activism is absurd, and it’s something that I think requires a Congressional investigation, and people at DOJ need to be held into account.” Schweizer also argued that the DOJ broke the law and created it own rules.

On Monday’s broadcast of the Fox News Channel’s “Kelly File,” Breitbart News Senior Editor-at-Large, author of “Clinton Cash,” and Government Accountability Institute President Peter Schweizer stated that the funneling of fines from Wall Street firms from the Department of Justice to various left-wing organizations “requires a Congressional investigation,” and is an example of the DOJ making its own rules.

Schweizer said that in 2008, after some “criminal” activity by Wall Street firms, the DOJ took legal action against these firms that the firms were “eager to settle.” And “part of that settlement will be that some of the funds may go to the victims of the crime you committed, but some of that money is actually going to go to pay restitution in the form of giving that money to nonprofit organizations, and these are nonprofit organizations that are overwhelmingly progressive, and serve basically as an adjunct to the Democratic Party.”


Complete text linked here.

The 131 Black Men Murdered by Black Lives Matter

Obama cheers on the country’s greatest force killing black people.

Black Lives Matter was called into being to protest what the racist hate group claimed was the killings of black men by police. Activists with the extremist organization have accused law enforcement of genocide. According to a study widely touted by activists, 300 black people were shot by police in 2015.

That same year 320 black people became homicide victims in Baltimore alone.

In 2014, 189 died. And then Baltimore came under assault from Black Lives Matter over the Freddie Case leading to riots and the Ferguson Effect crippling law enforcement efforts. The police became the villains. Baltimore Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake offered the racist rioters and looters space to destroy. Along with the businesses and sense of security, here is what else was destroyed.

An additional 131 black men died in 2015 in Baltimore. 16 black women were murdered in both 2014 and 2015. The huge increase came at the expense of black men. The biggest bump in homicides, 49 to 99, happened among young black men aged 18 to 25. This year’s incomplete toll already stands at 68.

The second biggest increase marked black men aged 26 to 34 whose death toll rose from 60 to 108.


Complete text linked here.

‘Perils’ of ‘inadvertently’ seeing Milo too great, NYU says

New York University (NYU) has canceled a Milo Yiannopoulos speech, saying it presents “perils to [the] safety of our community” because some students may “involuntarily” stumble upon it.

New York University (NYU) has canceled a Milo Yiannopoulos speech, saying it presents “perils to [the] safety of our community” because some students may “involuntarily” stumble upon it.

NYU informed the school’s College Republicans chapter in an email that the event would not be allowed due to the possibility that LGBTQ students, Muslim students, and other students who “are the subjects of Mr. Yiannopoulous’ [sic] attacks” may be drawn into the event “involuntarily” because of the speech’s location.

“The physical set-up of NYU is such that our buildings are all multi-use and any space that would be used for this sort of event would invariably be near to a constant flow of students who could be drawn into the event involuntarily as well as other student organizations that are the subjects of Mr. Yiannopoulous’ attacks,” the message stated, eventually concluding that “given…the perils to [the] safety of our community and the orderly pursuit of university life—we cannot allow the use of University facilities for this event.”


Complete text linked here.

Emory University Wants To Establish POC-Only Social Events

Emory University’s Campus Life Department will be hosting a social event for people of color only.

According to DeLa Sweeney, Emory’s interim director for Multicultural Programs, the event “will hopefully manifest into a series of annual gatherings.”

In an interview with Campus Reform, Sweeney defended the event – which certainly seems like a strange one for a director of Multicultural Programs to plan.

He says the socials will help people of color explore their “shared interests and common goals” in the absence of white people.

This event has drawn the ire of many people online.

Indeed, you’d be hard-pressed to find a recent example of white students even trying to form a ‘caucasian only’ group.


Complete text linked here.