Monthly Archives: October 2016

Safe Spaces Not Cutting it? Berkeley Students Demand ‘Spaces Of Color’ (Video)

The notice also includes a threatening ultimatum to the University, stating “if you fail to vacate immediately, community action will continue to escalate with the goal of eliminating any revenue generation.”

Students at the University of California, Berkeley held a protest Friday demanding that the University create both “safe spaces” for transgenders and “spaces of color” for non-white students on campus.

A video of Friday’s protest shows a large group of protesters preventing white students from passing over a bridge while allowing access to students of color.

In addition to blocking access to Berkeley’s Sather Gate, a key bridge on the route to many classes, the wall of protesters also prevented white students from studying in the Student Union and stopped traffic at the main intersection in the front of campus.

One of the protest’s leaders can be heard yelling “Who’s university?” into a megaphone. The wall of protesters respond in unison, screaming “our university!”


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Philly Hate Crime Highlights Media’s Race Double Standard

Vicious mob hunts whites at Temple University for sport, press calls it a ‘disruption’

A violent mob of between 100-200 black inner-city residents went to Temple University on Friday night to hunt down and beat up innocent white victims — but one wouldn’t know it based on mainstream media reports.

“Friday violence as teen mob attacks Temple students, police; four arrested,” read the headline on, while the Philly Voice reported “Teens arrested after flash mob leads to assaults on Broad Street.” The Associated Press headline read: “STUDENTS BEATEN, HORSE PUNCHED IN MOB ATTACKS AT UNIVERSITY.”

Glaringly absent from these headlines is the inherently racial nature of the attack, which was made shockingly clear in a Facebook post authored by Joe Lauletta, father of victim Christina Lauletta.

“I spent last night in the ER at St. Mary’s Hospital,” Lauletta began his harrowing post. “I received a call from my daughter Christina after my sons [sic] football game. She was crying, I couldn’t understand her, my heart dropped, I became scared, I said what is the matter? Dad, I was jumped, I’m beat up pretty bad. Where r u? Temple, they stole my phone. We’re heading to the police station,” he wrote, recounting their conversation.


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Hillary’s Climate of Hate by Michelle Malkin

The two-faced, split-tongued politician who mocked Trump for calling out America’s rigged system came to power decrying the “vast right-wing conspiracy” to deflect from that blue dress her husband stained. She’s a menace to alternate media, to entrepreneurs, to honest, hard-working people, to the rule of law, public safety and national security.

Who are the haters? Who are the autocrats? Who are the serial abusers of power?

Only one presidential candidate has wielded the sledgehammer of government against personal enemies.

Only one presidential candidate has exploited a spouse’s public office to exact revenge on political dissenters.

Only one presidential candidate has a quarter-century track record of taxpayer-subsidized demagoguery and class warfare.

And as the most recent undercover investigation by James O’Keefe’s Project Veritas revealed this past week, only one presidential candidate has been directly linked to a scheme to foment chaos and violence at her opponent’s rallies.

Ignore the kindly grandma with the “Stronger Together” backdrop warbling about her happy family and singing the praises of diversity and inclusion. Look beyond the carefully manufactured semblance of bipartisanship and moderation.


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Austrian Editor Charged With Hate Speech For Covering Migrant Crimes

An editor for the largest newspaper in Austria is being charged with hate speech after writing an article on crimes committed by migrants.

In the article, Christoph Biro wrote about how Afghan migrants slashed the seats on trains taking them to Germany because they didn’t want to sit where Christians previously had.

He also commented on the violent crime being committed by migrants in Austria, calling the individuals “testosterone-driven.”

Earlier this year, a migrant raped a grandmother while she was out walking her dog by a riverbank. A group of migrants also gang-raped a 21-year-old student in Vienna’s Prater park. In yet another violent crime committed by migrants, a 54-year-old woman was beaten to death.

As the New York Times reports, the fact that migrants committed these crimes is highly contentious among Austrians, who see it as a very inconvenient truth.

In other words, it’s no surprise that Mr. Biro’s article received a whole host of complaints from readers — 37, to be exact.

Following the complaints, Mr. Biro took four weeks off and apologized for his comments. That didn’t change much, though; shortly afterwards, Austrian officials announced they would be seeking hate speech charges against the editor.


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Anti-Trump violence sweeps country

Media ignore escalating attacks, thousands of threats against supporters.

While the mainstream media has been working day and night promoting Hillary Clinton’s candidacy, it has largely ignored or downplayed violent attacks against supporters of Donald Trump.

But assaults on Trump supporters appear to be growing increasingly common as Election Day approaches and tensions intensify. Reports of Trump lawn signs and banners being stolen and defaced are everywhere on social media.

Making matters worse, undercover video evidence emerged showing senior Democrat operatives Robert Creamer and Scott Foval acknowledging using dirty, likely illegal tricks against the Trump campaign. Their goal was to generate negative media coverage of Trump rallies by fomenting violence at them. The media eagerly used the various fisticuffs and melees the Democrats created to attempt to discredit Trump by depicting his supporters as violent, knuckle-dragging crazies.


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Dumb American Youth by Walter E. Williams

An article on News Forum for Lawyers titled “Study Finds College Students Remarkably Incompetent” cites a study done by the American Institutes for Research that revealed that over 75 percent of two-year college students and 50 percent of four-year college students were incapable of completing everyday tasks.

Do you wonder why Sen. Bernie Sanders and his ideas are so popular among American college students? The answer is that they, like so many other young people who think they know it all, are really uninformed and ignorant. You say, “Williams, how dare you say that?! We’ve mortgaged our home to send our children to college.” Let’s start with the 2006 geographic literacy survey of youngsters between 18 and 24 years of age by National Geographic and Roper Public Affairs.

Less than half could identify New York and Ohio on a U.S. map. Sixty percent could not find Iraq or Saudi Arabia on a map of the Middle East, and three-quarters could not find Iran or Israel. In fact, 44 percent could not locate even one of those four countries. Youngsters who had taken a geography class didn’t fare much better. By the way, when I attended elementary school, during the 1940s, we were given blank U.S. maps, and our assignment was to write in the states. Today such an assignment might be deemed oppressive, if not racist.

According to a Philadelphia magazine article, the percentage of college grads who can read and interpret a food label has fallen from 40 to 30. They are six times likelier to know who won “American Idol” than they are to know the name of the speaker of the House. A high-school teacher in California handed out an assignment that required students to use a ruler. Not a single student knew how.


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John Stossel: The ruling class, this election and you

When Clinton wore white to a debate, the Times called the color an “emblem of hope” and a Philadelphia Inquirer writer used words like “soft and strong … a dream come true.” But when Melania Trump wore white, that same writer called it a “scary statement,” as if Melania Trump’s white symbolized white supremacy, “another reminder that in the G.O.P. white is always right.”

America is often described as a society without the Old World’s aristocracy. Yet we still have people who feel entitled to boss the rest of us around. The “elite” media, the political class, Hollywood and university professors think their opinions are obviously correct, so they must educate us peasants.

OK, so they don’t call us “peasants” anymore. Now we are “deplorables” — conservatives or libertarians. Or Trump supporters.

The elite have a lot of influence over how we see things.

I don’t like Donald Trump. I used to. I once found him refreshing and honest. Now I think he’s a mean bully. I think that partly because he mocked a disabled person. I saw it on TV. He waved his arms around to mimic a New York Times reporter with a disability — but wait!

It turns out that Trump used the same gestures and tone of speech to mock Ted Cruz and a general he didn’t’ like. It’s not nice, but it doesn’t appear directed at a disability.

I only discovered this when researching the media elite for my TV show. Even though I’m a media junkie, I hadn’t seen the other side of the story. The elite spoon-fed me their version of events.


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New Details about Youth Attacks on Temple University Students, Bystanders

New details have emerged from the investigation into several large groups of Philadelphia youths who marauded through Temple University beating students and bystanders.

Police now say over 150 youths descended upon Temple campus, and the victims now number at least seven, plus an injured police horse.

Police were called on Friday, October 21, when the mob of teens began running around the campus attacking people who were walking the sidewalks on campus. Police first claimed that perhaps as many as 50 attackers were involved, but now the number has been increased to over 150.

Also, earlier reports noted one or two victims of the attackers, but now that number includes at least six students and one police officer.

Temple University officials scrambled on Friday to send out warnings to students and staffers on campus to stay indoors while the mobs careened through the area.


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Full Event: Donald Trump Rally in Tallahassee, FL 10/25/16 (Video)

The Donald J. Trump for President rally in Tallahassee, FL at the The Tallahassee Car Museum.

Why Progressives Love the New Cold War

The anti-Russian hysteria coming from the left isn’t surprising.

The Clinton campaign’s full-scale effort to turn this election into a referendum on Vladimir Putin is causing liberals like Katrina vanden Heuvel, editor of The Nation, and Glenn Greenwald, the energizing force behind The Intercept, much heartburn. Here is Ms. van den Heuvel wondering what the heck is going on:

“How does new Cold War – which ends space for dissent, hurts women & children, may lead to nuclear war – help what Clinton claims she is for?”

According to both vanden Heuvel and Greenwald, the Clintonian assault on Russia – the crude, J. Edgar-Hooverish smear campaign conducted against WikiLeaks, Julian Assange, and especially Donald Trump – is an opportunistic deviation from “true” progressive values. It’s a corruption of American liberalism that has nothing to do with ideology and everything to do with winning the election. As Greenwald puts it, in answer to vanden Heuvel’s question:

“Exploiting Cold War rhetoric & tactics has helped her win the election. I guess the idea is: deal with the aftermath and fallout later.”

Yet this evades what Mrs. Clinton and her supporters have clearly stated about the alleged immediacy and seriousness of the “threat” represented by Russia under Putin.


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