Monthly Archives: October 2016

Feds: 275,000 born to illegals in 1 year

7% of all U.S. births, would fill city size of Orlando.

Moms in the United States illegally gave birth to 275,000 babies in 2014, enough birthright U.S. citizens to fill a city the size of Orlando, Florida, according to an analysis of data from the National Center for Health Statistics.

The data showed that newborns to illegals accounted for 7 percent of all births in 2014, according to the analysis from the Pew Research Center.


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Mexico on Alert over Arrival of 50,000 Haitian Immigrants on Journey to U.S.

The Human Rights organization has already given precautionary measures to the National Migration Institute (INM), the government of Baja California and the city of Tijuana. Warnings and preparation were also given to Ministries of the Interior, Foreign Affairs, Social Development and Health.

Nearly 50,000 Haitian immigrants have been stranded in Brazil, and in the coming months will pass through Mexico in order to reach the United States.

President of Mexico’s National Commission of Human Rights (CNDH) Luis Raul Gonzalez said that the flow of Haitian immigrants to Mexico has become an issue over recent months as the increase has accelerated.

“The flow of people has increased rapidly in transit to the United States,” Gonzalez said at a news conference Monday.

In the state of Baja California that borders the United States, there are now 4,476 immigrants waiting to cross over. In Tijuana, there are 2,763. In Mexicali, there are 2,763.

In March and April, the CNDH warned that the flow of immigrants was “minimal” but also that it has increased over recent months.

The Human Rights organization has already given precautionary measures to the National Migration Institute (INM), the government of Baja California and the city of Tijuana. Warnings and preparation were also given to Ministries of the Interior, Foreign Affairs, Social Development and Health.


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‘Living here doesn’t make you one of us’ Danish Queen tells Muslims to adopt West’s values

The Queen of Denmark has urged Muslims arriving in Europe to adopt Western values in an extraordinary intervention in the migration debate.

Queen Margarethe II said it was “not a law of nature” that asylum seekers automatically integrated into society and called on Muslim groups to do more to help new arrivals understand Danish society.

The Queen, who is one of Europe’s most respected and long-serving royals, said politicians needed to “put their foot down” and strictly uphold the country’s principles of democracy and gender equality in her unprecedented rallying cry.

Denmark has taken in just under 15,000 asylum seekers in the last nine months, according to Government statistics, and has reintroduced border controls to stem the flow heading northwards towards neighbouring Sweden.

The arrival of predominantly Muslim refugees has sparked a heated debate about migration in the country, which earlier this year saw a new law passed allowing the authorities to seize migrants’ assets to pay for housing and benefits.

Some right-wing politicians have linked asylum seekers to the growing threat of Islamic State (ISIS) with one, the deputy leader of the anti-immigration Danish People’s Party, Soeren Espersen, issuing a Donald Trump-style call for a six-year ban on Muslim migrants entering the country.

And now the Nordic country’s Queen has intervened in the national debate with an outspoken rallying call to Muslim migrants to integrate into the country’s free, tolerant society.


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History isn’t a ‘useless’ major. It teaches critical thinking, something America needs plenty more of

The utility of disciplines that prepare critical thinkers escapes personnel offices, pundits and politicians.

Since the beginning of the Great Recession in 2007, the history major has lost significant market share in academia, declining from 2.2% of all undergraduate degrees to 1.7%. The graduating class of 2014, the most recent for which there are national data, included 9% fewer history majors than the previous year’s cohort, compounding a 2.8% decrease the year before that. The drop is most pronounced at large research universities and prestigious liberal arts colleges.

This is unfortunate — not just for those colleges, but for our economy and polity.

Of course it’s not just history. Students also are slighting other humanities disciplines including philosophy, literature, linguistics and languages. Overall, the core humanities disciplines constituted only 6.1% of all bachelor’s degrees awarded in 2014, the lowest proportion since systematic data collection on college majors began in 1948.

Conventional wisdom offers its usual facile answers for these trends: Students (sometimes pressured by parents paying the tuition) choose fields more likely to yield high-paying employment right after graduation — something “useful,” like business (19% of diplomas), or technology-oriented. History looks like a bad bet.


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Trump: America’s Last Chance – Q&A session w/Ann Coulter

Ann Coulter, columnist and author, discusses how this election is the most important in our lifetime, and represents a crucial turning point for America.

Two corrupt cops joined forces with drug dealers. Now, dozens of criminal cases could be in jeopardy (Video)

It was a huge fall from grace for Diaz, who was well known in the Central Valley as being a member of the high school cross-country running team portrayed in the 2015 Disney movie “McFarland, USA.”

Four years ago on a sweltering afternoon, Bakersfield Police Det. Damacio Diaz was sitting in his car alongside informant Guillermo “Memo” Magallanes.

About $15,000 stuck out of Magallanes’ shorts. When the informant left, the narcotics detective found just under $1,000 in the passenger-side door pocket.

“He told me to take my wife out on a date or buy my kids something,” Diaz would later recall in court papers. “It is a day I truly regret and a decision that has changed my entire life.”

That decision also rocked the Kern County criminal justice system, marking the beginning of an ugly police corruption scandal involving cash, drugs and protection. Diaz and his partner, Patrick Mara, later admitted to ripping off drug dealers of their methamphetamine during traffic stops. Diaz then began cooperating with federal investigators and named other cops he said were corrupt.

Now, local prosecutors say the scandal jeopardizes other criminal cases.

Kern County Dist. Atty. Lisa Green is sending letters to defendants in 64 potentially tainted criminal convictions after her office examined scores of convictions involving the work of the disgraced pair.

“The disgraceful and criminal behavior of Diaz and Mara has gravely impacted the Bakersfield Police Department as well as our community as a whole,” she said.


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Johnny, I Hardly Knew Ye – Clancy Brothers & Tommy Makem

“The man that hath no music in himself, Nor is not moved with concord of sweet sounds, is fit for treasons, stratagems and spoils.” William Shakespeare

Triggered: Journalist Snowflakes Scared Trump Supporters Are ‘Turning on the Media’

Triggered journalists from across the nation are bemoaning the treatment members of the press are receiving at Trump campaign rallies from the Trump supporters the media routinely misrepresents as ignorant racists, fascist Nazis, or disenchanted working whites.

With increasing regularity, these journalist snowflakes are “reporting” their victimization at the hands Trump supporters who chant mean things like, “CNN sucks” and call them names like “presstitutes.”

For members of the media elite, the occasional taunts and jeers signal a dangerous threat to the free press. During an interview with Kellyanne Conway on Tuesday, CNN’s Wolf Blitzer breathlessly asked Trump’s campaign manager to ask Trump to stop calling out the press at his rallies because he is scared “there could be an ugly incident” between Trump supporters and the “hardworking young journalists” who cover his rallies.

A quick review of media stories over the last two weeks reveals more than a dozen articles in major publications with the same “journalists victimized by Trump supporters at rallies” narrative. Trump supporters endure long waits, messy parking, and often obstructed view seating to rally for their candidate. The press, on the other hand, is given their own entrance, sectioned off seating, and protection from event security and the Secret Service.


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$61 Million Fire Started By Illegal Alien From Sanctuary City

A raging forest fire that destroyed 29,000 acres of beautiful landscape, took six weeks to contain, and cost the state of California over $61 million was all started by an illegal alien from a sanctuary city.

Angel Gilberto Garcia-Avalos pleaded guilty last month and was sentenced to 13 months in prison for starting the fire in the Sequoia National Forest on August 16, now famously known as the Cedar Fire.

A citizen of Michoacán, Mexico, Garcia-Avalos had previously been deported five times in just the past four years and already had a criminal record in the U.S., including driving without a license, attempted burglary and felony weapons charges.

At the time he caused the forest fire, he had just been released from the Kern County Jail, and would have been deported again if not for the California town’s new sanctuary city law, which prohibited the sheriff from notifying federal agents that an illegal criminal was being turned loose on the streets.

The day the fire started, Garcia-Avalos, who had his 4-year-old son with him, pulled off the road in his Nissan SUV and got the vehicle stuck. The heat from the SUV’s muffler and catalytic converter lit the dry grass on fire underneath the vehicle. Garcia-Avalos then took off on foot with his son, and when area ranchers saw him walking and stopped to question him, he lied, saying this car had been stolen, and declined their offer for a ride.


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Ann Coulter–Our New Country: “Women And Minorities Hardest Hit”

Ann Coulter: “Two held in attack on child”—AUSTIN-AMERICAN STATESMAN. The NEW YORK TIMES didn’t report it at all. Only the U.K. DAILY MAIL headlined the truth (pictured). Immigrant women arrive in America, thrilled to have escaped cultures where rape, incest and spousal murder are acceptable, only to discover that those crimes are perfectly acceptable in this country, too—provided the perpetrator is from the very culture they fled.

Every ethnic group except whites bloc-votes for the Democrats. Coincidentally, the Democrats have brought in another 30 to 40 million nonwhite immigrants in the last few decades.

It doesn’t help that white voters can’t agree on what constitutes an acceptable candidate. In 2012, working-class whites sat out the election, rather than vote for the out-of-touch rich guy they saw in Mitt Romney. This year, the out-of-touch rich guys say they’ll vote for Hillary because Trump is tacky and gross.

The sad irony is that the only people who will be better off in our new country are mostly white plutocrats—the top .01 percent. The rest of us will be their servants.

The people who will be worse off are everybody else—the working class, the middle class (who will soon be working class) and, most of all, women, minorities, children, the elderly, the weakest and most vulnerable members of society.


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