Monthly Archives: October 2016

Hillary Clinton: Death Row Records ‘Influenced’ My Debate Wardrobe

Hillary Clinton responded to a popular Internet meme which suggests that the Democratic presidential candidate’s debate wardrobe was highly influenced by the California-based recording label Death Row Records in an interview on radio program The Breakfast Club this week.

“I think Death Row and a lot of other fashion sources have influenced my look, don’t you?” Clinton said.

The question became relevant after a photo of Clinton wearing nearly identical outfits as Death Row Records founder Suge Knight and rappers Tupac Shakur and Snoop Dogg went viral online.

Clinton admitted that she does take time to pay attention to Internet memes, like the one above.

When asked how to best “get guns off the streets,” Clinton said gun violence is a “public health epidemic” and the “number one cause of death for young African-American men.”


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Angela Merkel Blames Facebook for ‘Distorting Perceptions’ of Migrants, Demands to See Algorithims

German chancellor Angela Merkel accused Facebook of “distorting perceptions” towards her migrant policy and has demanded to see the algorithms used by social media companies.

“The algorithms must be made public, so that one can inform oneself as an interested citizen on questions like: what influences my behavior on the internet and that of others?, said Merkel at a press conference in Berlin earlier this week.

“These algorithms, when they are not transparent, can lead to a distortion of our perception, and narrow our breadth of information,” she claimed .

It is not the first time that Merkel has blamed social media for criticism of her policies, saying that the success of the anti-Islam AfD (Alternative für Deutchsland) was a result of the successful “spread of their lies via social media.”

Her remarks came after her party received their worst ever results in regional elections in Berlin last month.

Merkel’s claims are particularly ironic given her meeting earlier this year with Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg, who agreed to her demands to help censor criticism of her migrant policy across the network.

Original source.

The Dark Art of Political Intimidation (Video)

Intimidation, harassment, and blackmail have become the norm in American politics. Why? Because it works. Kimberley Strassel, author of The Intimidation Game, explains.

McAuliffe-FBI-Hillary ‘payoff’ scandal explodes

Clinton headlined fundraiser for $500,000 donation to wife of agency boss.

The WikiLeaks revelation that the wife of the FBI official who supervised the investigation into Hillary Clinton’s off-the-books email server got a major campaign cash infusion from one of Clinton’s friends just took a stunning new turn.

The London Daily Mail is reporting Hillary Clinton had raised funds for the political action committee that steered the contributions to the unsuccessful campaign of Democrat Jill McCabe.

McCabe’s husband, Andrew McCabe, was promoted to FBI deputy director and supervised the investigation of Clinton not long after Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe, who through his PAC Common Good VA, contributed a total of $675,000 to Jill McCabe’s long-shot bid for a congressional seat.

The Daily Mail reported Hillary Clinton headlined a major fundraiser for McAuliffe’s PAC shortly before the group steered nearly $500,000 to Jill McCabe.

Critics are charging that the fundraising effort and McAuliffe’s PAC payments to Jill McCabe cast doubt on the FBI investigation, which culminated with Director James Comey announcing the agency would not refer charges to the Justice Department despite evidence of mishandling of classified information.


Complete text linked here.

Revealed: Town in the heart of Europe where ONLY Arabic can be spoken and Arabs can live (Video)

Protests are taking place in a town in Bosnia-Herzegovina because only Arabs are allowed and most of the houses contain the third or fourth wives of wealthy sheikhs.

Locals are fuming because they are are only allowed into the site in the south-eastern Europe country if they are servants or cleaners.

The complex is surrounded by heavy security, gates and high walls and the locals think it is unlawful for foreigners to buy up part of the country and then ban them from entering.

Women reportedly bring up their children there and their husbands are just occasional visitors.

Investors from the Middle East built the 160-home luxury estate near Tarcin, which is close to the Bosnian capital of Sarajevo.

The homes, which are being marketed in Kuwait, are being sold for £133,000.

Adverts for the homes call Bosnia a Muslim country “gifted with beautiful nature by Allah”.

An estate agent told local media: “The owners do not want to mix with local population.”


Complete text and video linked here.

Anatomy of a Liberal: I Stole 40 Trump Lawn Signs Because I Was ‘Angry’

Because it’s THEIR world — we’re just living in it.

he following report exemplifies what it means to be a leftist: It’s about acting out based on emotion, based on feelings (their feelings of course, never yours) without regard for the consequences or whose rights are being trampled in the process. The only “rights” that matter, are theirs. The only feelings that matter, are theirs.

Betta Stothart, a 52-year-old Maine resident and mother, recently stole 40 Trump lawn signs simply because seeing them made her “angry.”

“It felt to me like there was a small group of people really trying to impose their political ideology on the community,” Stothart explained to the Portland Press Herald.

“It felt like an affront, and a little disrespectful, to have so many there.”

Stothart, of course, dealt with it the only way a leftist can — by violating other people’s right to free speech and stealing their property. In an OpEd for the Washington Post, Stothart wrote of her foray into lawn-sign pilfering:

I committed a crime this month, along with two of my friends. I’m not the lawbreaking type. In fact, as a 52-year-old mom, my life is pretty predictable and boring. But this election, a particular candidate’s boasts about women pushed me over the edge.

In the suburban, upper-middle-class part of Maine where I live, Republicans and Democrats live together mostly in harmony. In every election cycle, there’s some tension. But the 2016 presidential campaign has been different. Tensions in my town are running at a fevered pitch.


Complete text linked here.

Muslim Facebook employees try to censor Trump

Argue posts about temporary immigration ban ‘hate speech’

Some of Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump’s posts on Facebook have set off an intense debate inside the social media company over the past year, with some employees arguing certain posts about banning Muslims from entering the U.S. should be removed for violating the site’s rules on hate speech, according to people familiar with the matter.

The decision to allow Mr. Trump’s posts went all the way to Facebook Inc. Chief Executive Mark Zuckerberg, who ruled in December that it would be inappropriate to censor the candidate, according to the people familiar with the matter. That decision has prompted employees across the company to complain on Facebook’s internal messaging service and in person to Mr. Zuckerberg and other managers that it was bending the site’s rules for Mr. Trump, and some employees who work in a group charged with reviewing content on Facebook threatened to quit, the people said.

Mr. Trump’s campaign didn’t respond to requests for comment. In a statement provided Wednesday evening, a Facebook spokeswoman said its reviewers consider the context of a post when assessing whether to take it down. “That context can include the value of political discourse,” she said. “Many people are voicing opinions about this particular content and it has become an important part of the conversation around who the next U.S. president will be.”


Complete text linked here.

Scott Adams (Dilbert Creator) Endorses Trump – Video

‘I can’t vote for A bully. That’s why I can’t vote for Hilary.’

UT students fly into rage over ‘affirmative action bake sale’

Liberal students at the University of Texas at Austin violently disrupted an “affirmative action bake sale” Wednesday, and now want to ban the conservative student group that hosted the event. The protesters destroyed the display and stole the baked goods, but a university official blamed the conservative students in an official statement, saying they brought the incident upon themselves with their “inflammatory and demeaning” methods.

Liberal students at the University of Texas at Austin violently disrupted an “affirmative action bake sale” Wednesday, and now want to ban the conservative student group that hosted the event.

The school’s Young Conservatives of Texas chapter organized the on-campus display in an effort to highlight the inequalities of affirmative action policies by charging people different prices based on their race and gender, but many of their classmates apparently failed to find the humor in the stunt, and reacted by tearing up the sign and stealing the baked goods.

The bake sale “was designed to highlight the insanity of assigning our lives value based on our race and ethnicity, rather than our talents, work ethic, and intelligence,” explained YCT Chairman Vidal Castañeda. “It is insane that institutional racism, such as affirmative action, continues to allow for universities to judge me by the color of my skin rather than my actions.”


Complete text linked here.

Fury as German primary school ‘forces’ children to chant ‘Allahu Akbar’ in Muslim prayer (Video)

Pupils at a primary school were forced to chant “Allahu Akhbar” and “there is no God but Allah”, an appalled father has claimed.

The father of the pupil at the girl’s primary school in German ski resort Garmisch-Partenkirchen discovered that his daughter had been forced to learn the Islamic prayer when he discovered a handout she had been given.

He claimed she had been “forced” by teachers to memorise the Islamic chants and forwarded the handout to Austrian news service unsertirol24.

The handout read: “Oh Allah, how perfect you are and praise be to you. Blessed is your name, and exalted is your majesty. There is no God but you.”

It had been given to the girl during a lesson in “ethics” at the Bavarian school.

Headteacher Gisela Herl did not confirm the incident when questioned, but said the school would issue a written statement detailing its position in the coming week.

The incident comes just weeks after parents complained to German newspaper Hessian Niedersächsische Allgemeine (HNA) that their children’s nursery was refusing to acknowledge “Christmas rituals” to accommodate the “diverse cultures” of other pupils.


Complete text and video linked here.