Monthly Archives: October 2016

Britain SAVED democracy with Brexit and Netherlands WILL follow, Dutch MP vows

Britain has become the trailblazer for the rest of Europe to escape the “prison” that is the European Union (EU), Dutch far-right leader Geert Wilders has vowed.

Mr Wilders, favourite to become the next Dutch Prime Minister, said he wants the Netherlands to follow the UK’s lead and cut ties with the 27-member bloc because it is “the only honourable thing to do”.

The leader of the Party for Freedom (PVV) launched the scathing attack on the Brussels club and blasted the crumbling bloc as “bullies”.

Mr Wilders also assured the UK it should not bow to the EU’s threats because it is in their “best interests” to keep trading with Britain.

In a column for Breitbart, he said: “True to its undemocratic nature, the EU does not like it to see countries leave the pan-European prison.

“That is why Brussels is currently bullying Britain, threatening that Brexit will have a negative impact on UK trade because the EU will not give Britain easy access to its markets.

“But, as everyone knows who ever had to deal with bullies, one should never give in to their threats. Britain is Germany’s third largest trading partner, France’s fourth largest trading partner, my own country’s fourth largest partner.

“After Brexit, the UK will remain the largest trading partner of goods of the EU.

“Hence, it is in the interest of the EU itself to give the UK access to its markets. If it doesn’t, the EU member states will severely harm themselves.

“Only fools will harm themselves because they want to punish others.”


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Full Speech: Donald Trump Rally in Phoenix, AZ 10/29/16 (Video)

Donald J. Trump for President rally in Phoenix, AZ at the Phoenix Convention Center.

German minister calls on refugees to be SENT HOME as it’s ‘impossible’ to integrate them

A top German politician has suggested refugees be sent back home, saying it is impossible to integrate people from a different cultural background.

Bavaria’s finance minister, Markus Söder, said the German people “do not want a multicultural society” and recommended they should be sent back over the next three years.

More than one million refugees have arrived in Germany over the past year, sparking backlash among critics of Chancellor Angela Merkel’s open-door policy.

Many migrants have been re-settled in the minister’s state in the south of the country.

Mr Söder said integration of those from different cultural backgrounds was “bound to fail”.

He added: “Even with the best intentions in the world, it will not work to integrate successfully that many people with a completely different cultural background.


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Congress to AG Lynch: ‘Outrageous’ You Would ‘Essentially Plead the Fifth,’ Refuse Answers on Iran Ransom Payment

Attorney General Loretta Lynch has formally refused to answer questions from Congress about the Obama Administration’s huge cash payments to Iran. Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) and Rep. Mike Pompeo (R-KS) described Lynch’s response as “unacceptable,” and said she has chosen to “essentially plead the Fifth.”

Rubio and Pompeo sent Lynch a letter on October 7, in which they noted the Treasury Department had “finally informed Congressman Pompeo that it received approval from the Justice Department” for the $1.7 billion in cash paid to Iran.

The intrepid representatives thought the head of the Justice Department might therefore have the answers they were seeking about Iran’s controversial payoff, so they wrote Lynch and asked what was included in the DOJ “approvals,” who issued them, and which Treasury Department officials came to DOJ seeking approval. They also asked if the Justice Department’s General Counsel was involved in the process, and requested copies of any legal opinions rendered by the General Counsel or other Justice Department lawyers.

“Did your Department raise any concerns that the cash payment could be perceived as a ransom?” Rubio and Pompeo asked Lynch. “It has been reported that the same State Department official signed the paperwork for this cash payment, the dropping of charges on 21 Irnaians, and the delisting of two Iranian banks.”


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13 Yr. Old Faith Graham Delivers Epic Takedown of Hillary Clinton at Trump Phoenix Rally (Video)

13 Year Faith Graham delivers an epic rant against Hillary Clinton and brings down the house in Phoenix at the Trump rally.

Grover Norquist: Clintons Guilty of Tax Fraud

Hillary has a history of ducking taxes, took deduction for donating Bill’s used underwear.

Democrat Hillary Clinton wants higher taxes, but in the past has gone to ridiculous — and likely fraudulent — lengths to lighten her own burden, influential anti-tax crusader Grover Norquist said Friday.

In an appearance on “The Laura Ingraham Show,” Norquist, the president of Americans for Tax Reform, pointed to a story from 1993 highlighting the fact that the Clintons had claimed a tax deduction for donating Bill Clinton’s used underwear to charity as far back as the 1980s.

The story got some attention at the time, but Norquist said a review of those tax returns turned up 10 pages of deductions that overvalued donated items by $1,300 to $1,500.

“Hillary Clinton has not paid the taxes she owes … This is tax fraud,” said Norquist. “People go to jail. They get massive fines for giving a car to charity and misrepresenting the value of the car.”

Norquist said the claimed deductions were “so far out of line with what” with what charities like the Salvation Army and Goodwill Industries estimate for the value of similar items.


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Biden Admits Democrats Have Turned on White Middle Class in Favor of Elites (Video)

Average Americans are “smarter than we give them credit for.”

In a Hardball exclusive on MSNBC with Chris Matthews, Vice President Joe Biden admitted that the Democrat Party has turned its back on white middle-class voters and preferred latching on to elitists.

Matthews mentioned how in the ‘90s, forty-four percent of the white working class voted for Bill Clinton but in 2012, Democrat support had dropped to just 29% in that demographic and is expected to drop even further this year. Matthews said this is proof that Dems have lost a “gut connection” with these voters and Biden agreed.

“We don’t talk to them anymore,” Biden said. “We don’t associate with their difficulty anymore. It’s almost like somehow they’re in good shape, but they’re not. They can’t figure out how to get their kid to college.”

Biden blamed the Bush administration for starting the middle class’s economic decline, and then he blamed both parties for ignoring them. He also made it clear that Washington D.C. spends most of its time looking down their noses at the rest of us uneducated Americans:

“The fact of the matter is, those people we’re talking about built this country. They built it, and they are smarter than we give them credit for. There’s almost like what’s happened in both parties is there is sort of a yielding to pedigree. The guy who goes to Penn State or the University of Delaware, and the guy who goes to Yale or Penn — well, the guy who goes to Yale or Penn must know more.”


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We Want Armani and Hugo Boss: Migrants Demand Designer Clothes (Video)

African migrants who took the streets in protest and blocked traffic in Venice this week have been demanding designer clothes, the president of the Cooperativa Sociale Onlus has revealed.

Lorenzo Chinalleto, whose cooperative hosts migrants at the Hotel Byron in the Venice province, said migrants respond with displeasure when receiving clothes from Catholic charity Caritas and other charitable bodies, because the goods are unbranded.

He explained: “Unfortunately they come to Italy with the asylum reception systems of northern Europe as a model. When they arrived we gave them clothes, standard clothes.

“But they want brand-name clothes like Armani and Boss, and they asked for Pirelli shoes. These are their models. When they came to us, they didn’t have clothes, but they all had smartphones,” the Italian added.

Forty of the migrants hosted at the Hotel Byron took to the streets to express their dissatisfaction, blocking the traffic. In a video taken outside the hotel on Monday protesters can be seen shouting, in English, that they don’t want to eat pasta. The migrants originate mostly from Senegal, Nigeria, Somalia, Mali and Ghana, Il Gazzettino reported.


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‘Easy Meat.’ Britain’s Muslim Rape Gang Cover-Up (Video)

“If you are a young English girl, particularly between the ages of nine and 14, and you find yourself subject to the perversions of Muslim men, you effectively exist in a country where the forces of law and order don’t exist at all.”

Some scandals are so massive that they’re simply hard to believe. As many as one million white English children may have been the victims of Muslim rape gangs, better known as grooming gangs, in towns up and down Great Britain.

Policy analyst George Igler says, “When you encounter an issue that is just so unbelievable, just so outside your frame of reference and understanding, the immediate human reaction is just one to not believe it at all.”

Perhaps even harder to believe is that while there have been prosecutions, the British government has still not stopped this criminal activity.


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Myth-Busters: Cultural Marxism vs. Liberty (Video)

With the total failure of Economic Marxism, adherents to the authoritarian ideology set a new course: the destruction of Western culture. The shift to “Cultural Marxism” commenced and we’re now seeing the bizarre manifestations of these ideas. Ron Paul unlocks the mental prisons that are being imposed on Americans in today’s Myth-Busters.