Monthly Archives: October 2016

Sunny Cowgirls – Cowboy

“The man that hath no music in himself, Nor is not moved with concord of sweet sounds, is fit for treasons, stratagems and spoils.” William Shakespeare

Documentary Unmasks Saul Alinsky: ‘A Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing’ (Video)

“A Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing” identifies three major movements of what Richard Payne calls “cultural Marxism that seek to infiltrated film, school, all of the different institutions.”

A new documentary has been released about community organizer Saul Alinsky (1909-1972).

“A Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing” is the work of father and son team Richard and Stephen Payne and their company Arcadia Films. It’s available for purchase on streaming video and is airing weekly on EWTN through October.

The child of poor Russian Jewish immigrant parents, Alinsky was born in 1909. He majored in archaeology at the University of Chicago and later became a criminologist. In the late 1930s when worked as a labor organizer and focused his attention on organizing communities in places like Chicago’s depressed Back of the Yards neighborhood, made famous in the book “The Jungle” by Upton Sinclair.

After being mentored by the labor leader John L. Lewis, Alinsky founded the Industrial Areas Foundation (IAF), which trained community organizers around the country. Aided by the liberal millionaire Marshall Field III, Alinsky expanded his mission of inspiring and organizing poor, urban communities across America. “Reveille for Radicals,” his 1946 book, became a best-seller. Perhaps even better known is his second book “Rules for Radicals,” which contains an acknowledgement to Lucifer, “who at least won his own kingdom.”


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Full Speech: Donald Trump Delivers Historic Speech in Gettysburg, PA 10/22/16 (Video)

Donald J. Trump spoke in Gettysburg, PA at The Eisenhower Complex.

GOP senator: Dems making ‘concerted effort to produce fraudulent votes’

“So yeah, I’m concerned about that corruption. Every American who’s going to cast a legitimate vote ought to be concerned about fraudulent votes because it disenfranchises your legitimate vote,” Wisconsin Senator Ron Johnson said.

Wisconsin GOP Sen. Ron Johnson said that while he’s committed to accepting the results of the election, he has serious concerns about Democrat-orchestrated fraud.

In an interview with radio station WTAQ this week, Johnson said that the emails from top Hillary Clinton aides released by WikiLeaks evidences corruption on the Democratic side.

He also said that the undercover videos by James O’Keefe, which appear to show Democrats planning to incite violence at Donald Trump rallies and conspiring to have people vote fraudulently, prove what’s long been expected.

“How many times have we talked about fraudulent voter registration drives? There’s been stories, there’s been evidence accumulating for literally decades of this, and the Clinton emails prove that’s exactly what they do. This is a concerted effort on their part. Whether it’s ACORN or Organize for America, Democrats engage in a concerted effort to produce fraudulent votes,” he said.

White House press secretary said the clandestine Project Veritas videos should be taken “with a whole packet of salt.”

But they play into Trump’s increasing claims that the election is already rigged against him.


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Refugee Resettlement Scams Part II: 60 Minutes Enables Program Fraud

“Obama and Hillary are intent on importing ever larger numbers of needy populations who they can shower with generous welfare benefits to secure their future votes.”

60 Minutes aired a short interview about the refugee vetting process with Homeland Security Director Jeh Johnson on Sunday. To say that Bill Whitaker, the interviewer, failed to do his job is an understatement. It is a study in serial journalistic malpractice. Johnson lied and misled about the vetting process from start to finish and was not once challenged by Whitaker.

The most blatant lie was Johnson’s assertion that the vetting process takes 18 to 24 months. Obama announced earlier this year that he was reducing that to 3 months. How did Whitaker overlook something so basic that has been extensively reported in the mainstream press?

Rep. Ryan Zinke, a former 22 year veteran U.S. Navy SEAL and founder of the Naval Special Warfare Advanced Training Command says that the Obama administration engaged in a “bait and switch”, endangering Americans by resettling unvetted Syrian refugees on an accelerated timeline. “This will inevitably put our nation and our citizens at risk for future terrorist attacks,” he said.


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Huma on Hillary’s $12M Morocco fiasco: ‘She created this mess and she knows it’

Hillary Clinton solicited a $12 million donation from a government that her State Department considered corrupt, then realized the “mess” it would cause in her presidential run, a newly leaked ­email reveals.

King Mohammed VI of Morocco agreed to give the money to the Clinton Foundation, provided that it held a convention in his country in May 2015 with Clinton as the keynote speaker.

But Clinton realized that the conference, slated for a month after she announced her run for president, would hurt her candidacy.

“No matter what happens, she will be in Morocco hosting CGI [Clinton Global Initiative] on May 5-7, 2015. Her presence was a condition for the Moroccans to proceed so there is no going back on this,” top Clinton aide Huma Abedin wrote to campaign manager Robby Mook in a November 2014 email revealed by Wiki­Leaks.

In another email, Abedin warned that if Clinton didn’t attend, the $12 million would be off the table.

“Just to give you some context, the condition upon which the Moroccans agreed to host the meeting was her participation. If hrc was not part if it, meeting was a non-starter,” Abedin wrote in a January 2015 ­email to Mook and campaign manager John ­Podesta.


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Germans leaving Germany ‘in droves’

Mass immigration transforms country.

A growing number of Germans are abandoning neighborhoods in which they have lived all their lives, and others are leaving Germany for good, as mass immigration transforms parts of the country beyond recognition.

Data from the German statistics agency, Destatis, shows that 138,000 Germans left Germany in 2015. More are expected to emigrate in 2016. In a story on brain drain titled, “German talent is leaving the country in droves,” Die Welt reported that more than 1.5 million Germans, many of them highly educated, left Germany during the past decade.

The statistics do not give a reason why Germans are emigrating, but anecdotal evidence indicates that many are waking up to the true cost — financial, social and cultural — of Chancellor Angela Merkel’s decision to allow more than one million mostly Muslim migrants to enter the country in 2015. At least 300,000 more migrants are expected to arrive in Germany in 2016, according to Frank-Jürgen Weise, the head of the country’s migration office, BAMF.

Assange: ‘Rigged primary, rigged media, rigged candidate’

‘There is no U.S. election. There is power consolidation’

After months of exposing damaging internal information from both the Democratic National Committee and the Hillary Clinton campaign, much of which actually points to criminal behavior but seemingly has no impact on the polls, Julian Assange has concluded that “There is no US election. There is power consolidation. Rigged primary, rigged media and rigged ‘pied piper’ candidate drive consolidation.”

Sadly, it is difficult to disagree with the assessment. That an establishment democratic candidate could endure an extended FBI investigation, in which multiple federal laws were clearly and intentionally broken, and clear evidence of corruption and collusion between the FBI and State Department is mind boggling. Throw in evidence from WikiLeaks clearly linking the DNC to criminal efforts to incite violence at rallies, numerous examples of pay-to-play activities at the Clinton Foundation, blatant media collusion, etc, etc, and it actually becomes quite frightening.


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Judge Jeanine: I Could Indict Clinton Operatives Who Were on Tape Planning to Incite Violence at Trump Rallies (Video)

“I’m talking about crime. I’m talking about justice in this country. I’m talking about people who decide that what they are going do is incite riots and violence. That is against the law in the United States of America! And you cannot –,” she said before being interrupted.

During Friday’s broadcast of Fox News Channel’s “Fox & Friends,” Judge Jeanine Pirro got into a heated discussion with fellow network personality Geraldo Rivera over operatives for Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton who were caught on video planning to incite violence at Donald Trump rallies.

Pirro argued that she could indict the operatives “in three seconds.”


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DNC Chair Donna Brazile Now Symbolizes Democratic Corruption

There are thousands of Donna Braziles out there representing the Democratic Party.

With all the stuttering and sputtering – all “on the record” mind you – from Democratic National Committee chair Donna Brazile, she has unwittingly become the poster woman of Democratic Party corruption, the very emblem of what’s wrong with this political picture.

Brazile was being interviewed on Fox’s The Kelly File following Wednesday night’s torrid presidential debate, after WikiLeaks e-mails showed how Brazile had fed town hall questions to Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton. Republican nominee Donald Trump had raised the issue during the debate but, as with any suggestion of Democratic rot, he might as well of asked her about the temperatures on Mars.

Host Megyn Kelly has not constructed anything remotely resembling a pro-Trump reputation since the real estate billionaire entered the Republican primaries. The two had a well-publicized spat over an exchange in one primary debate and despite a well-publicized make-up interview, the sparks still fly between them.


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