Monthly Archives: October 2016

31 Salvadorian MS-13 Thugs Rounded Up In NEW YORK

Brentwood has been shaken for several months as six teens from Brentwood have been found dead. Authorities suspect that all six murders are the work of the violent MS-13 street gang.

uffolk County police in Long Island, N.Y., arrested 31 MS-13 gang members Friday in the wake of several teen murders.

Six gang members were put into federal custody while the other 25 were charged by New York authorities. The arrests follow the discovery of 18-year-old Jose Pena-Hernandez’s body Oct. 16.

Family members of Pena-Hernandez reported in June that the teen was missing. Ultimately his body was found near an abandoned psychiatry facility in Brentwood, Long Island.

Brentwood has been shaken for several months as six teens from Brentwood have been found dead. Authorities suspect that all six murders are the work of the violent MS-13 street gang.

Pena-Hernandez’s death marks the sixth gang-related killing in the past months. Despite the several arrests of many MS-13 members, authorities have not specifically charged any of them with the murders of the several Brentwood High School teenage victims.


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Muslims Stage Massive Protest, Chanting ‘Allahu Akbar’ Outside Rome’s Colosseum

Thousands of Muslims gathered in protest outside Rome’s Colosseum Friday after Italian authorities shut down a number of so-called “garage mosques” to avoid young people becoming radicalized.

The Muslim community of Rome chose the iconic Colosseum, a worldwide symbol of Christian persecution and martyrdom, to stage their demonstration against the alleged shutting down by police of illegal places of Muslim worship in the city.

An imam led the group in chanting “Allahu Akbar,” which means in Arabic “God is great,” as they prostrated themselves on the ground.

Many Roman citizens were visibly disturbed by the protest, noting that in its propaganda videos, the Islamic State has repeatedly employed images of the Colosseum when threatening to conquer Rome and the “Crusaders.”

Two months ago, Italian police set up a high-security perimeter around the Colosseum, after the Islamic State issued a new threat to “conquer” Rome in its latest video.

New entrance gates have also been installed around the Colosseum to enable better surveillance and control by law enforcement, according to Rome’s police chief Nicolò D’Angelo.

A Bangladeshi Islamic group called Dhuumcatu reportedly organized the demonstration, saying that police had closed three makeshift mosques in Rome in the last few months.


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Outdoor Channel Facebook Live Roundtable – Presented by MyOutdoorTV – Live Tonight at 8PM ET

Facebook Live Roundtable Election Special: Your favorite Outdoor Channel talent discuss the top outdoor related issues that matter to outdoorsmen and women.


Click here to Watch LIVE on Monday Oct 24 at 8pm ET.

Click here for more information.

Too White For the Job: Leaked Email Shows Stanford University Students’ Scheme to Disrupt Inauguration of New President

Students at Stanford University were caught in a scheme to ruin the inauguration of their new president-elect.

According to a leaked email, members of a campus organization called “Who’s Teaching Us?” plotted to use a “mass of people” to protest. Why? Because the new president was a continuation of the “legacy of white leadership and cisgender male leadership.”

Earlier this year, Stanford announced Marc Tessier-Lavigne as its new president. Although The Stanford Review described him as having “spectacular and singular experience, outlook, and skills”, this apparently wasn’t enough for the dissenters.

Initially, when word spread that the new president would be a white male, there was backlash, including The Stanford Political Journal which wrote:

…it would be presumptuous to assume that there were no non-white or non-male individuals who would have been at least as qualified and willing to lead the university.


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University of Florida to Offer Counseling for Students Offended by Halloween Costumes

According to a blog post from administrators at the University of Florida, students offended by insensitive Halloween costumes are being provided with around-the-clock counseling services.

“If you choose to participate in Halloween activities, we encourage you to think about your choices of costumes and themes,” the school advises in a recent blog post from the public university’s administrators.

Several Twitter users lambasted the students at the University of Florida for their willingness to be coddled. One user criticized the decision to allocate public funds for the purpose of comforting students upset by Halloween costumes.


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Graphic Quotes: Tucker Carlson on Immigration and Terrorism

On “FOX & Friends Weekend,” Tucker Carlson talked about terrorism on U.S. soil.

U.N. goes all-in for unlimited migration

Hillary an enthusiastic supporter of globalist plan for U.S. cities.

The United Nations has cooked up a “New Urban Agenda” coming soon to a city near you.

It was unveiled this week in Quito, Ecuador, at the so-called Habitat III conference.

And part of the plan, enthusiastically embraced by Hillary Clinton, calls for unlimited migration across open borders. Migrants displaced by war, failing economies or other hardships will be seen as having “rights” in nations other than their own. Cities are seen as the key battlegrounds and the U.N. conference in Quito had a lot to say about how your city will be expected to embrace migrants of all types, from all regions of the world.

By now most Americans who follow world events are familiar with the U.N’s plan for global governance as envisioned by its “2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development,” approved by some 190 world leaders including President Obama and Pope Francis in September 2015.

This agenda includes 17 goals aimed at ending hunger, wiping out poverty and stamping out global income inequality by “transforming our world” through sweeping changes ostensibly aimed at freeing cross-border “labor mobility,” among other things.

Hillary Clinton, anointed by Obama as his successor, said in a speech to Wall Street bankers she envisions the U.S. as part of a single “hemispheric common market with free trade and open borders,” according to WikiLeaks data dumps.


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Thousands of California soldiers forced to repay enlistment bonuses a decade after going to war (Video)

“These bonuses were used to keep people in,” said Christopher Van Meter, a 42-year-old former Army captain and Iraq veteran from Manteca, Calif., who says he refinanced his home mortgage to repay $25,000 in reenlistment bonuses and $21,000 in student loan repayments that the Army says he should not have received. “People like me just got screwed.”

Short of troops to fight in Iraq and Afghanistan a decade ago, the California National Guard enticed thousands of soldiers with bonuses of $15,000 or more to reenlist and go to war.

Now the Pentagon is demanding the money back.

Nearly 10,000 soldiers, many of whom served multiple combat tours, have been ordered to repay large enlistment bonuses — and slapped with interest charges, wage garnishments and tax liens if they refuse — after audits revealed widespread overpayments by the California Guard at the height of the wars last decade.

Investigations have determined that lack of oversight allowed for widespread fraud and mismanagement by California Guard officials under pressure to meet enlistment targets.

But soldiers say the military is reneging on 10-year-old agreements and imposing severe financial hardship on veterans whose only mistake was to accept bonuses offered when the Pentagon needed to fill the ranks.


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Forced Transgender Boy Quickly Returns To Normal After Removal From Mother’s Care

A seven-year-old boy has been removed from his mother’s care by the high court, after he was found to be suffering “significant emotional harm” due to his mother raising him as a girl.

The judge in the case slammed social services who had simply accepted that the boy should be treated as a girl.

The High Court judge hearing the case, Mr Justice Hayden, told the court that he believed the mother had been “absolutely convinced” that the boy “perceived himself as a girl” and was therefore determined to treat him as a girl, according to reports.

However, the boy, who cannot be named and is now living with his father, has naturally reverted to having masculine interests since leaving the care of his mother, the court heard.

Family court proceedings began about three years ago after the father raised a complaint that he was not allowed access to his son. A lower-ranking judge authorised a “wide ranging” inquiry forcing local authority social services staff to begin investigations.

Justice Hayden said “flares of concern” for the boy’s wellbeing had been raised by a “whole raft of multi-disciplinary agencies”, and that he couldn’t understand why social services had “disregarded so summarily” those concerns.

He said social services staff had “moved into wholesale acceptance that [the boy] should be regarded as a girl”. He called on council to undertake a review of the “social work response” to the case; a council spokesperson said a review was already underway.


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Ex-NSA Contractor Stole at Least 500 Million Pages of Records and Secrets, U.S. Says

The Justice Department outlines details of the probe, says it will likely charge Harold Martin with additional crimes.

A former National Security Agency contractor amassed at least 500 million pages of government records, including top-secret information about military operations, by stealing documents bit by bit over two decades, the Justice Department alleged in a court filing submitted Thursday.

Prosecutors in August arrested and charged Harold “Hal” Martin III, of Glen Burnie, Md., with theft of government property and unauthorized removal or retention of classified documents. The case was kept under seal until earlier this month, when some details became public.

The new filing said the Justice Department would likely charge Mr. Martin with additional crimes, including violating the Espionage Act, an offense that carries much stiffer penalties than the current charges.

Mr. Martin’s attorney, Jim Wyda, declined to comment on the new filing. In the past, he has said that Mr. Martin is a patriotic American who has served his country.

A federal court has scheduled a hearing for Friday to consider whether Mr. Martin should be released while awaiting trial. The Justice Department released its 12-page document ahead of that hearing, detailing new allegations about the scope of Mr. Martin’s alleged theft and suggesting he had become heavily armed, accumulating 10 weapons, and had taken sophisticated steps to cover his tracks.


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