Sweden Help Wanted: Activities Coordinator for bored illegal alien Muslim freeloaders and rapists

Muslim illegal alien invaders taking up space in Sweden and living off the government dole, say they are vandalizing and burning cars (not to mention gang-raping Swedish girls) because they do not have enough “activities” to keep them busy.

Friatider “It is clear as hell that we take out our frustration by destroying and vandalizing when we have a shortage of activities here,” one of the illegals living in Skallberget in Vasteras writes in a letter to the editor in the local newspaper VLT.

Vasteras has recently been subjected to a long series of car fires. The submitter tries the young man, who wishes to remain anonymous, explain what the phenomenon is due.

He writes that he came to Sweden when he was young and admittedly had “good potential” but that he was subject to persistent “racism” by the authorities. (What “race” is Islam?)

“Already at an early age became a man treated differently. Sometimes it was because of ethnicity, sometimes because they were at a certain place, and sometimes just to those very people who were in power felt to fuck with us. So many times I had been propped up against the wall and strip-searched in front of my loved ones. It really depressed me and my value, “ he writes.


Complete text linked here.

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