Britain SAVED democracy with Brexit and Netherlands WILL follow, Dutch MP vows

Britain has become the trailblazer for the rest of Europe to escape the “prison” that is the European Union (EU), Dutch far-right leader Geert Wilders has vowed.

Mr Wilders, favourite to become the next Dutch Prime Minister, said he wants the Netherlands to follow the UK’s lead and cut ties with the 27-member bloc because it is “the only honourable thing to do”.

The leader of the Party for Freedom (PVV) launched the scathing attack on the Brussels club and blasted the crumbling bloc as “bullies”.

Mr Wilders also assured the UK it should not bow to the EU’s threats because it is in their “best interests” to keep trading with Britain.

In a column for Breitbart, he said: “True to its undemocratic nature, the EU does not like it to see countries leave the pan-European prison.

“That is why Brussels is currently bullying Britain, threatening that Brexit will have a negative impact on UK trade because the EU will not give Britain easy access to its markets.

“But, as everyone knows who ever had to deal with bullies, one should never give in to their threats. Britain is Germany’s third largest trading partner, France’s fourth largest trading partner, my own country’s fourth largest partner.

“After Brexit, the UK will remain the largest trading partner of goods of the EU.

“Hence, it is in the interest of the EU itself to give the UK access to its markets. If it doesn’t, the EU member states will severely harm themselves.

“Only fools will harm themselves because they want to punish others.”


Complete text linked here.

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