Biden Admits Democrats Have Turned on White Middle Class in Favor of Elites (Video)

Average Americans are “smarter than we give them credit for.”

In a Hardball exclusive on MSNBC with Chris Matthews, Vice President Joe Biden admitted that the Democrat Party has turned its back on white middle-class voters and preferred latching on to elitists.

Matthews mentioned how in the ‘90s, forty-four percent of the white working class voted for Bill Clinton but in 2012, Democrat support had dropped to just 29% in that demographic and is expected to drop even further this year. Matthews said this is proof that Dems have lost a “gut connection” with these voters and Biden agreed.

“We don’t talk to them anymore,” Biden said. “We don’t associate with their difficulty anymore. It’s almost like somehow they’re in good shape, but they’re not. They can’t figure out how to get their kid to college.”

Biden blamed the Bush administration for starting the middle class’s economic decline, and then he blamed both parties for ignoring them. He also made it clear that Washington D.C. spends most of its time looking down their noses at the rest of us uneducated Americans:

“The fact of the matter is, those people we’re talking about built this country. They built it, and they are smarter than we give them credit for. There’s almost like what’s happened in both parties is there is sort of a yielding to pedigree. The guy who goes to Penn State or the University of Delaware, and the guy who goes to Yale or Penn — well, the guy who goes to Yale or Penn must know more.”


Complete text linked here.

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